Schedule Progress

Use the Enter Schedule Progress form to update schedule progress for activities using progress entries if you are the assignee for the activities or if you are part of the Progress Admin Group (set on the Progress tab in System Settings). It provides Control Account Managers (CAMs) with a single entry point to view and submit progress updates to schedule data.

Updates are approved using scheduled alerts and workflows which implement the process by notifying the persons responsible that they need to update progress or approve submitted progress updates. This process is performed before data is updated in the schedule system integrated with PM Compass.

You can only enter progress at the lowest activity level of data for schedule. PM Compass does not create progress entries when the EVT is a planning package.

Enter Progress at the Activity Level

Use the Enter Schedule Progress form grid to enter progress at the activity level. When progress is entered at the activity level, it is copied to all resource assignments within the selected activity.

Enter Progress at the Resource Level

Use the Enter Schedule Progress form Resources tab grid to enter progress at the resource level. A history record is created that includes the old and new record. It can be seen in the Progress Changes dialog box. When you enter progress at the resource level, PM Compass calculates the progress at the activity level and displays it in the Physical % Complete column of the Enter Schedule Progress form grid.

Activity physical % complete (PPC) is calculated as follows: Activity PPC = (Resource Qty x (PPC per resource assignment)) / Total Resource Qty on the activity. For more information, see the Physical % Complete field description and formula.

Enter/Approve Schedule Progress Menu Options

The Enter/Approve Schedule Progress Navigation menu options under Projects provide an easy way for you to access progress for master projects. Another way you can do this is to select a project from the Projects List View. For more information, see Master Projects.

What do you want to do?

Create Progress entries

Enter and Submit Schedule Progress

Enter Progress for a Record that is not Assigned to you

Enter Progress for a record that is not Displayed

Approve Schedule Progress

Reject Progress

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