Progress Changes Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view the changes made to control accounts, work packages, or activities.

You can only view the last "change of field" value in the grid.  

If you are the Assignee, you can display the Progress Changes box from the Enter Cost Progress form or the Enter Schedule Progress form only for control accounts, work packages, or activities that have been modified and/or submitted but have not been approved yet by the Approver.

If you are the Approver, you can display this dialog box from the Approve Cost Progress form and Approve Schedule Progress form.

Progress Changes Dialog Box Columns

All columns in this grid are displayed in read-only mode.




This column displays the name of the column whose value has been updated from the Enter Cost Progress form or Enter Schedule Progress form.

When you add a new resource assignment, the word "Add" is included in parenthesis after the description in this column. When you delete a resource assignment, the word "Delete" is included in parenthesis after the description in this column.

Old Value

This column displays the previous value for the field.

New value

This column displays the new value for the field.

View location

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