Projects List View Toolbar

The Projects form toolbar varies, depending on the view that you select. The List View is the default view when you display Projects from the Navigation menu.

When you are in the Master Project view of the Projects List View, You cannot use the Cost, Schedule, and Progress options on this toolbar. You can only use the menu options on the Navigation menu under Projects. For more information, see Master Projects Overview.

For more information, see Projects Overview.


Enter the name of a project that you want to find and press ENTER. You can use either a single character or a string of characters.

Alternatively, you can click beside the field to display the Project Search dialog box, or you can click to navigate through all saved searches.


Click this button on the form toolbar to set up and save a new record. Clicking this button displays an empty Projects Form View.

You cannot access any project set up in PM Compass via Cobra or Open Plan.

Form View

Click this button on the form toolbar to display the selected project in tab view. In addition, all of the projects that are included in the Project grid in the List View are available via the navigation buttons (scroll arrows) at the top of the Projects Form View.

Cost Analysis

Click this button to find or display cost records for the selected project. Clicking this button displays the Cost Analysis form, which Control Account Managers (CAMs), Project Controls Analysts (PCAs), and others use to analyze and drill down to more cost detail on their control accounts.

This button is disabled when you select a PM Compass-only project (a project not related to a Cobra project) or when Show Master Projects is selected in the grid toolbar. When this is disabled, you can use the My Cost Analysis menu option under Projects to analyze activities and/or work packages assigned to you based on the assignment mapping hierarchy.

Schedule Analysis

Click this button to find or display schedule records for the selected project. Clicking this button displays the Schedule Analysis form, which allows you to view schedule information for all of the activities, including parents and children, that are associated with the selected project.

This button is disabled when you select a project that is not linked to a schedule or when Show Master Projects is selected in the grid toolbar. When this is disabled, you can use the My Schedule Analysis menu option under Projects to analyze activities and/or work packages assigned to you based on the assignment mapping hierarchy.

Enter Progress

Click this button to display either the Enter Schedule Progress form for the project in control or the Enter Cost Progress form, depending on whether the Source System to Update section on the Progress tab of Projects in list view has Cost or Schedule selected.

This option is disabled when Show Master Projects is selected in the grid toolbar. Instead, you can use the Enter Cost Progress or Enter Schedule Progress menu options under Projects to access progress for master projects.

Approve Progress

Click this button to display either the Approve Schedule Progress form for the project in control or the Approve Cost Progress form, depending on whether the Source System to Update group box on the Progress tab of Projects has Cost or Schedule selected.

This option is disabled when Show Master Projects is selected in the grid toolbar. Instead, you can use the Approve Cost Progress or Approve Schedule Progress menu options under Projects to access progress for master projects.

What do you want to do?

Create a project

Perform a quick search

Enter cost progress

Enter schedule progress

Approve cost progress

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