
How Cost and Schedule Progress Workflows are Created

The schedule process that creates the progress entries runs by project. PM Compass checks each project to see if the source system to update on the Progress tab of the Projects Form View is schedule or cost.

For more information, see Progress Overview.

Source System to Update is Schedule

If the project option indicates that progress is entered through the schedule, PM Compass creates new progress entries using the following conditions:

Where “forecast start” is defined using the Schedule Forecast Date Set option on the Progress tab of the Projects Form View.   

The valid options are:

Because early dates are calculated using the time analysis process, it is important that a project is used exclusively and that time analysis is performed on the project. The project must then be saved after performing time analysis before the running the scheduled alerts. In addition, activities are evaluated as being in-progress based on the complete status flag, which is updated when performing time analysis. If you are using Microsoft Project, you must reschedule the project before the import. The complete status flag is updated during the import.

Source System to Update is Cost

If the project option indicates that progress is entered through into the cost system, PM Compass creates new progress entries using the following conditions:

The Assignee and Approver

As each progress entry is created, the assignee and approver are determined using the Assignment Mapping grid on the Progress tab of the System Settings form.

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