Navigation Menu Designer Overview

Use the Navigation menu to navigate through an application by selecting the feature that you want to access. It has several menu options that you can edit using the Navigation Menu Designer dialog box.

The Dashboard and Workflows menu options are not available for editing in the dialog box.

Selecting a menu option from the Navigation menu displays the corresponding form in the right pane. Some options, however, display the associated Web site, file, or report in another window.

The Navigation Menu Designer dialog box allows you to perform the following tasks:

You cannot delete or move menu options that are provided with the product.

Any addition, deletion, or reorganization of options on the dialog box in PM Compass reflects in the options tree on the PM Compass tab in Roles form of Deltek EPM Security Administrator. The EPM SA, however, does not know the tree structure applied to PM Compass.


What do you want to do?

Indent or outdent a menu option

Rename a menu option

Delete a menu option

View location

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