Navigation Menu Designer Dialog Box

Use the Navigation Menu Designer dialog box to add, remove, modify, or rearrange options that display on the Navigation menu. The Dashboard and Workflow menu options, however, are not available for editing on this dialog box.

Only members of the SYSADMIN group can see access this dialog box. For more information, see the EPM Security Administrator help.

The Dashboard and Workflows menu options are not available for editing in this dialog box.

For more information, see Navigation Menu Designer Overview.

Tree List

This field displays a tree list view of the Navigation menu.

The instruction "Right-click over the navigation tree below to see available options" displays above the tree list.

The term "node" is interchangeable with the term "menu option".

Context Menu Options

The following options display when you right-click a node:

If you right-click an option in the Dashboard or Workflows panel, these shortcut menu options still display but are disabled.

Menu ID

This field displays the unique ID of the currently selected menu option.

User Defined Node

When you select a menu option, this check box is selected if the menu option is user-defined. You cannot directly change the setting of this check box.

Menu Label

This field displays the label for the selected menu option. You can change the entry for any user-defined option and any system option other than the Dashboards and Workflows options.


Use this drop-down list to select an icon for the selected node. You cannot modify the pre-defined list of icons. To remove an icon, blank out the value in this field and click OK.


For user-defined menu options, you can select the action that you want to occur upon selecting the menu option on the Navigation menu. You cannot change the action on an option that is provided with the system.

The Report Favorite drop-down list contains personal and global reports in PM Compass.

Action Options

The contents of this group box vary depending on the value selected in the Action drop-down list.


Enter the internal application name.


Enter the argument parameters that the application uses.

Open Options

This group box indicates how the application displays.

Help Page

Enter the section in the help that discusses the application.


Enter the exact path and file name. Alternatively, you can click the icon to display the Open dialog box, allowing you to search for and select the file. It must be a network-shared file.

Web Address

Enter the URL for Web Outlook.

Outlook Folder

Select the Outlook folder you want to display as the default, such as Calendar, Contacts, Inbox, Tasks, and Notes.

This field has the Quick Find functionality. After you enter the first character, the Quick Find feature performs a type-ahead search, and locates the domain that best matches the characters that you have entered.


Enter a user ID to pass as the login to Outlook, or enter [USERNAME] to pass a PM Compass user ID as the Outlook login ID, or leave the field blank, in which case the Outlook login dialog box displays with no user filled in.

Report Favorite

Select a report from the drop-down list.

This field has the Quick Find functionality. After you enter the first character, the Quick Find feature performs a type-ahead search, and locates the domain that best matches the characters that you have entered.

Always Rebuild Report

Select this check box if you want PM Compass to recalculate the report each time you select it. Otherwise, PM Compass retrieves the report that was last processed.

What do you want to do?

Add a menu option

Rename a menu option

Rearrange menu options

Indent or outdent a menu option

Delete a menu option

View location

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