When a workflow type uses a step action, user-initiated and scheduled alerts are created by the system.
For more information on alerts, see Alerts Overview.
PM Compass creates user initiated alerts when you start the workflow steps:
Setting of the step number to 1
Creation of the assignment records
Setting of the step start date
Setting of the workflow status to Active
Setting of the reminder date to the current date
PM Compass performs these processes through user initiated alerts that are created by the workflow automatically. To view these read-only alerts, click Administration» Alerts» User-Intiated alerts and select Action Item from the Application drop-down list.
After PM Compass performs these steps, it processes the user-initiated alerts that the selected step actions created for the first step in Workflow Type Configuration. These alerts include the following:
Notifying the assignee at the beginning of the step
Notifying the originator when the step is rejected
Notifying the originator when the step is completed
Some user-initiated alerts include rejection notifications, notifications when a step ends, and notifications that a step has begun.
Deltek PM Compass sends both an email and displays user-initiated alerts on the dashboard.
Schedule alerts do not occur when you start a workflow. They occur on a scheduled interval based on fields such as the reminder date, which the system compares with the current date.
You can view these read-only alerts by selecting Action Workflows as the area on the Scheduled Alerts form.
You cannot edit these alerts, but you can copy and customize them.
Some scheduled alerts include past due notifications, reminder notifications, and manager escalation notifications.
To view the scheduled alerts created, select Administration» Alerts» Scheduled alerts on the Applications menu and select an area of assignment from the Application drop-down list.
The following scheduled alerts run on the assignment records of an action workflow:
Reminder — PM Compass notifies the user every three days and resets the reminder date to the current date for next reminder notification.
Past due notification — PM Compass notifies the user when the step becomes past due.
Management escalation — PM Compass notifies the user five days after the step due date