Editing Project Data While Modeling in Open Plan

After applying the changes and before approving or rejecting the workflow, you can edit the project data. For example, you can add or edit activities, make changes to relationships, set target dates, and edit resource assignments. When you make changes in Open Plan, you must manually follow the rules that the PM Compass Change Details view does automatically.

The following operations are supported:

Tip: You can use the Open Plan General Import (Open Plan » File » Import » Import General) to import change data into the project. Make sure you select the Add data to open project option. See "Custom Import/Export Operations" in the Open Plan help for information on using this import.

Adding and Editing Resource Assignments

If your activities have resource assignments, you can edit the resource assignments during a Modeling Session.

New or Change Amount Workflow Type

If your workflow type is configured as A New or Change Amount, you can add a new resource assignment to an activity. You cannot delete an existing resource assignment on an activity, nor delete an activity with resource assignments.

To delete a resource assignment or reduce hours, you must insert a new line and enter a negative value to indicate a change.

Replacement Workflow Type

If your workflow type is configured as A Replacement of Existing Time Phased Data, you can edit existing resource assignments on the activity. You can delete an existing resource assignment on an activity, and you can delete an activity with resource assignments.

Prevent Editing of Historical Values

If the Cobra project preference option Prevent editing of historical time phased values is selected, you must select the Integration Configuration option Apply historical budget changes as an adjusting entry in the current status period.

For more information, see "Cobra Integration Wizard Configuration File Settings for a Change Request".

You can also use an offset to indicate that the additional resource will be in the future.

Additional Information

For additional information, see:

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