Dashboard Toolbar

The Dashboard toolbar is located at the top of the Dashboard form. You can access the toolbar anytime you are working in your dashboard.

For more information, see Dashboard Overview.


Use this option to perform the following tasks:


Use this option to perform the following tasks:

Arrange Dashparts

Use this option to perform the following task:

Remove from Menu/Add to Menu

Use this option to perform the following tasks:

Distribute Changes

This option enables you to quickly distribute the dashboard changes that you made so that other users who have access to the dashboard can immediately see the changes. When you click this button, the users and groups who were previously provided access to the dashboard will see the updates made to the dashboard the next time they launch it.

This option is available to you only if all of the following conditions are met:

To view the other users who have access to your dashboard, use the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box.

When you clicked the Distribute Changes button, PM Compass does not automatically inform other users who have acces to your dashboard that the dashboard has been updated. To inform them that the dashboard has been updated, you may send them an email.


Click Help to display the Dashboard Overview help topic.

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