Dashpart Overview

Your Dashboard content is easily managed because it is divided into individual sections — or blocks — on your Dashboard, called dashparts. You can configure the dashparts on the dashboard to display the information you need, the tasks you need to accomplish, details about work that is late, and upcoming deadlines, among others. Dashparts also provide you with quick access to the applications, documents, and web pages that you often use. Multiple dashparts can reside on a dashboard.

For more information about dashboards, see Dashboard Overview.

Dashpart Types

Dashparts provide access to specific records, Web links, reports, activities, and applications. You can access any dashpart without affecting your other dashparts. For more information about each dashpart type, see Dashpart Configuration Dialog Box.

Access Control

You can share your dashparts with other PM Compass users using the Access Control to Dashparts dialog box. You can give other users full access to your dashpart, allowing them to make changes to the dashpart. If you choose to give another user full access to your dashpart, PM Compass creates a copy of the dashpart with the other user as the owner. The dashpart is then associated with the other user's dashboard. From hereon, any changes you make to your copy of the shared dashpart are not reflected in the other user's copy.    

If you choose to share your dashpart in read-only mode, you can make changes to the dashpart and distribute these changes to the user with whom you share the dashpart using the Access Control to Dashparts dialog box. In this mode, the other user can add the dashpart to his dashboard, but he cannot make any modifications to the dashpart.

Shared dashparts are added to dashboards using the Hidden Dashparts dialog box. You can also use this dialog box to view the users who have access to your dashparts.

Aside from the dashpart owner, any member of the SYSADMIN group can also grant or take away access to a dashpart.

Dashboard access control always overrides dashpart access control therefore you only need to specify the access control for the dashboard. You do not need to also provide access control for the dashpart. For example, if the dashboard to which an archived report is added has WORLD access, all users are able to see the report, regardless of any access control that has been assigned to the report or the dashpart.

What do you want to do?

Learn about the Dashboard toolbar

Add dashparts

Configure access control to dashparts

Configure dashparts

Hide dashparts

Hide all other dashparts

Display hidden dashparts on your dashboard

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