Public Dashboards

Public dashboards are dashboards that you create and share with other users in read-only mode using the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box. Public dashboards display under the Public Dashboards category on the Navigation menu. You have full access to the public dashboard you created. The user with whom you shared the dashboard has read-only access to that dashboard and to the dashparts associated with the dashboard.

Public dashboards are used to share standard information with all users. This allows you to create generic filters, such as the CAM IsMe, and share information using a standard format. A typical public dashboard includes a CAM Notebook, where the control account manager can easily access workflows, such as approved changes for work authorization. A briefing dashboard, on the other hand, contains reports that provide earned value metrics for easy determination of project performance.

For more information, see Dashboard Overview.

The owner of the dashboard or any member of the SYSADMIN group can revoke a user's access to a public dashboard using the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box.

Before you begin, learn about...

The Dashboard toolbar


My Dashboards (private dashboards)

What do you want to do?

Create dashboards

Add dashparts

Configure access control to dashboards

Set default dashboard

Learn more about...