Access Control to Dashboards Dialog Box

Use the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box to give users or groups read-only access to your dashboards.

Your shared dashboards are displayed on the Navigation menu under Public Dashboards. If the users with whom you share a dashboard have the right to create dashboards, they can make copies of your shared dashboard and become the owners of the dashboard copies. The original dashboard remains displayed under Public Dashboards.

You can also use this dialog box to view the groups and users who have access to your dashboards and to revoke their access to your shared dashboards.

Any user who is a member of the SYSADMIN group can grant or revoke access to any dashboard in PM Compass.

Dashboard access control always overrides dashpart access control therefore you only need to specify the access control for the dashboard. You do not need to also provide access control for the dashpart. For example, if the dashboard to which an archived report is added has WORLD access, all users are able to see the report, regardless of any access control that has been assigned to the report or the dashpart.

Dashboard Name

Use this field to launch the Dashboard Search dialog box, where you can select the dashboard that you want to configure access for. You can only view the dashboards that you own.

You can also enter some of the characters of the dashboard name in this field. PM Compass then searches for a match among the dashboards that you own.

Members of the SYSADMIN group can view all dashboards.


This field displays the owner of the selected dashboard. It is only enabled if you are a member of the SYSADMIN group.

If you are a member of the SYSADMIN group, you can use this field to launch the User Search dialog box, where you can change the dashboard owner.   

Access Control Grid

Grid Toolbar



Access Control

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to open the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.

Insert Users

Click to display the User Search dialog box, where you can select the user that you want to have access to the selected dashboard. The selected user displays in the grid.

Insert Groups

Click to display the Group Search dialog box, where you can select the group that you want to have access to the selected dashboard. The selected group displays in the grid.


Click to delete the selected row from the grid. You can delete only one column at a time.

Grid Columns

Field Name



This column displays the users that have access to the selected dashboard.


This column displays the groups that have access to the selected dashboard.


This column displays the access control status for a user or group. For dashboards, access control is always set to Read-Only.

Save and Continue

Click to save the changes you made and continue using the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box.

Save and Close

Click to save the changes you made and close the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box.


Click to cancel the changes you made and close the Access Control to Dashboards dialog box.

What do you want to do?

Configure access control to dashboards

Create dashboards

Copy dashboards

Rename dashboards

Learn about the Dashboard toolbar

View location

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