Setting up a statement title

Follow these instructions as part of designing a financial statement.

Set up a statement title. You do this by:

Step 1: Defining a cell's contents

  1. Click the cell in the worksheet where you want the first row of your statement title to appear.

The Company button and options appear.

  1. From the Company options, select the information you want to display in the first line of your company title:

To display this

Double-click this option

The information comes from

Multi-company only. Name of your organization

Organization Name

> Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Organization Name field

Multi-company only. Address of your organization

Organization Address

> Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Address tab > Organization Address fields

Name of your company

Company Name

> Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Company Name field

Multi-company only. > Setup > Company > Companies > General tab > Company Name field

Address of your company

Company Address

> Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Address tab > Company Address fields

Multi-company only. > Setup > Company > Companies > Address tab > Company Address fields

First day of the current month

Month Start Date

Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet

Last day of the current month

Month End Date

Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet

The number of months since the first day of the fiscal year to the last day of the current month

For N Months Ended MonthEnd Date

For example: For 3 Months Ended March 31, 2010

Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet

The quarter in which the current month falls and the last day of the quarter

For the N Quarter Ended QuarterEndDate

For example: For the 1st Quarter Ended March 31, 2010

Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet

First day of the fiscal year

Fiscal Year Start Date

> Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Fiscal Year fields

Multi-company only. > Setup > Company > Companies > General tab > Fiscal Year fields

Last day of the fiscal year

Fiscal Year End Date

> Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Fiscal Year fields

Multi-company only. > Setup > Company > Companies > General tab > Fiscal Year fields

Name of reporting entity

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on


Reporting Entity Description

Reporting Entity Filter field on the Workbook Properties sheet

Name of department

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

Department Description

Department Filter field on the Workbook Properties sheet

Accounting basis of the statement

Report Basis

Report Basis field on the Workbook Properties sheet

Date the statement is printed

Print Date

System settings on computer

Your company logo* Company Logo

> Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Reports Logo field

Multi-company only. > Setup > Company > Companies > General tab > Reports Logo field

Multi-company only.

Your organization logo*

Organization Logo

> Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab > Reports Logo field

*The Financial Statement Designer embeds the logo into your design; it does not actively link to your Ajera database. If you change the logo or import a design from another database, you may need to delete and add the logo property back into the design to ensure that the logo you want appears.
  1. If a cell option does not fit your information need, you can manually enter the information into the cell.

For example, statement descriptions, such as Profit and Loss Statement, are not cell options. You must type the description into the cell.

  1. If your statement title consists of more than one row, repeat these instructions for each row.

Step 2: Changing the formatting

  1. Use the toolbar to do the following, as needed:
  • Merge cells if your title information spans more than one cell.
  • Format the title by changing the font style, size, color, border, and so on.

As you work, use the Preview tab constantly to see your changes.

Note: Save your work frequently while designing a statement.
  1. If your statement title consists of more than one row, repeat these instructions for each row.