Setting up a cell

Follow these instructions as part of designing a financial statement.

To define the contents of a cell, you can select a property option or manually enter text into the cell. For a full list of options, see Content List options.

To set up a cell

  1. If you select a cell that is not an Amounts or Column Setup cell, this button and its options appear; use them as follows:

To display this

Click this button

The information comes from

General information that identifies the statement


And double-click an option such as Company Name, Report Date, Company Logo, and so on.

> Setup > Company > Preferences or Workbook Properties sheet

  1. If you select an Amounts or Column Setup cell, these buttons and options appear; use them as follows:

To display this

Click this button

The information comes from

Information from the chart of accounts


And double-click an option such as Account Description, Account ID, and so on.

> Setup > Company > Financials > Chart of Accounts

Account activity for a specific time frame, excluding closing entries


And double-click an option such as This Month This Year, Last Quarter Last Year, and so on.

Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet

Account balances at a specific point in time, including all previous closing entries


And double-click an option such as Current Balance This Year, Retained Earnings Balance Two Years Ago, and so on.

Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet

Accrual budget amounts for a specific time frame


And double-click an option such as Budget This Month This Year, January Budget Three Years Ago, and so on.

Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet


The QTD and YTD options are based on and restricted by the month-end date. The other budget options are based on that date but not restricted by it.

Credit or debit account activity for a specific time frame

Cash Flow

And double-click an option such as This Month Debit This Year, Year End Credit Four Years Ago, and so on.

Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet

Activity, balance, or cash-flow information for a time frame or point in time that you specify


Custom account balances will not include all previous closing entries.


And double-click a custom date property.

Custom Date Properties window and the Month-End Date field on the Workbook Properties sheet
  1. If a cell option does not fit your information need, manually enter the information into the cell.

For example, statement descriptions, such as Profit and Loss Statement, and formulas are not cell options. You must type the description or formula into the cell.

  1. Format the cell as needed using the following:
  1. Click the Preview tab to view the results.