Custom Date Properties window

Field Description


The name of the custom date property. The maximum length is 78 characters.

As you type, the Property field displays how the description will appear in the worksheet and in the Ajera database. Ajera removes any spaces or special characters such as \ / : * ? " < > | , -.

Date Range

The dates for the custom date property, which work in conjunction with the month-end date on the Workbook Properties sheet

Field Description

Beginning Date

The first date in the date property

If you leave this blank, the field defaults to 1/1/1900.

Ending Date

The last date in the date property

Cash Flow Options

Any cash-flow options that may apply

  • Not Used: Select for any financial statement that is not a statement of cash flow.
  • Show debits only: Select if you want only debit information to appear in the date property.
  • Show credits only: Select if you want only credit information to appear in the date property.