Modify Notes to Specifier (Office Master)

In an office master family, modify notes to specifier for an article or paragraph to update existing guidance for contributors, authors, and design professionals in your firm who will use the family in their projects.

To modify notes to specifier:

  1. Open an office master version of a family or any of its product types in the office master workspace.
  2. In the office master workspace, show notes to specifier.
  3. On the element form, click one of the following tabs:
    • General
    • Products
    • Execution
  4. On your selected tab, locate the article or paragraph that includes the notes to specifier that you want to modify.
  5. In the notes to specifier, click its text placeholder and enter the note content for the users that will include the article or paragraph in their projects.
  6. To save your changes, click a different area on the element form.