Edit Project Information

Edit project information to keep details about the project correct and updated.

To edit information about a project:

  1. Open a project on the Project Overview page.
  2. On the Project Overview page, in the Details portion of the Project Overview, click > Edit.
  3. In the Edit Project Details pane, update the general information about the project:
    1. Select the Project Group in which the project belongs.
      Note: As an administrator or author, you can create a new project group.
    2. Enter a Project Number.
    3. Enter a Project Name.
    4. In the Construction Budget field, select the budget range for the project's construction.
    5. In the Gross Building Area field, enter the project's gross floor area.
  4. Update project issuance information:
    1. In the Project Date field, select the project completion date.
    2. In the Issue For field, enter the purpose or reason for which the addendum was issued.
    3. In the Issue Date field, select the date when the addendum was issued for the project.
    4. In the Addendum Number field, enter the number or code that identifies the addendum that was issued for the project.
    5. In the Level of Specification field, select a default project-wide level of specification (LOS) to automate a baseline for your current project phase. As the project progresses and requires additional level of development, increase the level of specification (LOS) to convey detail needed for the current phase.
      Note: This field is available only for projects that were assigned a Level of Specification during project creation. Earlier projects might not include this option.

      See Level of Specification and LOS-Associated Content.

  5. Under Project Location, enter information about the project's location:
    1. In the Address field, enter the first line of the project's address.
    2. In the Address 2 field, enter the second line of the project's address if applicable.
    3. In the City field, enter the city where your project is located.
    4. In the State/Province field, select the state or province where your project is located.
    5. In the Zip field, enter the zip code for your project's location.
    6. In the Country field, select the country where your project is located.
  6. Under Project Parameters, enter information about the project's design and construction:
    1. To open the UpCodes resource for industry compliance codes, which you can use to specify your project's parameters, click UpCodes.
      For projects in the United States, clicking this button opens a compliance code resource based on your select State.
    2. In the Building Type field, select the type or purpose of the building for your project.
    3. In the Contract Type field, select one or multiple construction contract types for parties involved in the project design and construction.
    4. In the Construction Type field, select the types of materials used in the project's construction and structure's resistance to fire.
    5. In the Sustainability field, select the environmental code to which the project adheres.
    6. In the Owner field, select the individual, organization, or authority that owns the project's building or facility.
      See Owner.
      Note: You can create a new owner.
    7. In the Geographic Region field, select the climate of the project's location.
    8. In the Seismic Zone field, select the seismic design category of the project's location.
    9. In the Wind Zone field, select the NIST wind zone for the project's location.

      See Wind Zone.

  7. Click Save.