Contents of the Document Settings - Styles Tab
Use the contents of this tab to configure the format of element or section content in your project, which includes parts, articles, and paragraphs on all outline levels.
Outline Level Tabs
On this tab, the following outline level tabs are available:
Level Tab | Description |
Part | Display and configure formatting options for section part titles. |
Article | Display and configure formatting options for article titles. |
PR1 | Display and configure formatting options for level 1 paragraphs. |
PR2 | Display and configure formatting options for level 2 paragraphs. |
PR3 | Display and configure formatting options for level 3 paragraphs. |
PR4 | Display and configure formatting options for level 4 paragraphs. |
PR5 | Display and configure formatting options for level 5 paragraphs. |
Formatting Options
On each outline level tab, the following formatting options for the selected outline level content are available:
Note: The values that you specify in the available fields apply only to the part titles, article titles, or paragraphs on the selected outline level.
Field | Description |
Number Style | Select the numbering style for the titles or paragraphs on the selected outline level. The following options are available:
Display Format | This previews the format of outline level numbering based on your selection in the Number Style field on the selected outline level and the outline levels above it. |
Font | Select the font face for the level. |
Size | Select the font size for the level. |
Bold | Click this button to toggle the bold formatting for the level. |
Italic | Click this button to toggle the italicized formatting for the level. |
Underline | Click this button to toggle the underline formatting for the level. |
Color | Select the font color for the level. |
Space Before | Enter or set the spacing value between the titles or paragraphs on selected outline level and the outline level before it. |
Space After | Enter or set the spacing value between the titles or paragraphs on selected outline level and the outline level after it. |
Tab Space to Paragraph Number | Enter or set the spacing value between the left margin and the paragraph numbering. |
Tab Space to Text | Enter or set the spacing value between the paragraph numbering and the title, paragraph content, or the property title, as applicable. |
Parent Topic: Document Settings - Styles Tab