The Enter Cost Progress form displays the control accounts and work packages of the selected project in a non-hierarchical view. Use the Cost Progress grid to enter cost progress for the control accounts or wok packages assigned to you. You can save the updates that you enter in the grid for future use, or you can submit them for approval.
Some of the fields are pulled from the cost system each time you access this view instead of being stored as part of the change when you create the progress entry. These fields are not editable.
The Automatically Create Progress Entries field on the Projects form Progress tab provides a default list of records that the person entering progress should be focusing on. If this option is not set, the Enter progress form is blank when you access the view.
Use the Enter Cost Progress form to perform the following tasks:
The Enter Cost Progress Navigation menu option under Projects provides an easy way for you to access progress for master projects. Another way you can do this is to select a project from the Projects List view.
When you are in the Master Projects view of the Projects List View, you can only use the Enter Cost Progress link on the Navigation menu to navigate. You cannot use the Enter Progress option on the Projects View toolbar.
Even if you are using a master project, the determination for who can enter progress is based on the assignment mapping hierarchy and the code assignments on the subproject and not the master project.
If the Allow Editing a Forecast option on the Progress tab of the Projects form is selected, validations are performed on the selected cost set before the Enter Cost Progress form displays:
The Cost Set field on the Progress tab of the Projects form is not blank.
The cost set selected in the Cost Set field exists in the project.
The cost set selected in the Cost Set field is configured correctly.
If any of the above checks fail, a message displays and the Enter Cost Progress form will not display.
The Progress and Analysis Record Limit on the System Settings General tab allows you to set the maximum number of records returned in this view. This improves performance when you have thousands of records in a database.
When you open this view and there are more records than the number set in the Progress and Analysis Record Limit field, a message displays letting you know that the selection exceeds the maximum number of records that can be returned. At this point, you can choose to select a filter to reduce the number of records. If you choose not to select a filter, the following message displays: "Your selection exceeds the maximum number of records returned. Only the first <max num> rows will display."
The following columns are required on the Enter Cost Progress form.
All of the source fields defined in User Defined Data (Area = Cost) except the note fields
All of the source fields defined in User Defined Data (Area = Schedule), if configured for schedule progress
If you remove any of these columns, PM Compass automatically adds them back when you next view the form.
The Enter Cost Progress Form toolbar includes options for searching, printing, and submitting a progress entry.
If a control account or work package is assigned to you, meaning you are the assignee for that control account or work package, you can print progress reports by clicking Print on the toolbar.
This grid displays the work packages for the selected project in a non-hierarchical view. If you select a work package in the grid, the tabs at the bottom of the Enter Cost Progress form displays information about the selected work package.
Use this grid to enter progress updates for the work packages assigned to you. You can then save the updated work packages for future use, or you can submit them for approval.
Field |
Description |
Select Columns |
Click this button to display the Select Columns dialog box where you can select the columns that you want to add to the grid. If you remove any of the required fields, PM Compass automatically adds them back when you next view the form. For more information, see Required Columns above. |
Select |
Use this button to select all work packages or control accounts in the grid or to unmark the work packages or control accounts previously selected. |
These are the default columns for the Cost Progress grid of the Enter Cost Progress form. You can add more columns by using the Select Columns dialog box.
Field |
Description |
"Delta" column |
This column is denoted by the delta ( |
Select |
This column contains a check box for each control account or work package. Select the check boxes of the control accounts or work packages that you want to submit for approval. After you click the Submit button to submit your progress entries, this field is disabled for each row that you submitted. Tip: Click the Refresh button to remove rows that you have already submitted. This is useful if you have a long list of records and only wish to see those that you still have to submit. |
Workflow Status |
This column displays the progress status of the control account or work package.
Work packages that have no progress entries are not included in the Pending Progress report.
PM Compass uses color codes to indicate the workflow status for cost progress updates. For more information on the color descriptions, see Color Codes for Update Progress Workflows. |
This column displays the work breakdown structure (WBS) code of the control account or work package. This is a required column. If you remove it using Select Columns, PM Compass automatically adds it back when you next view the form. For more information, see Required Columns above. |
This column displays the organizational breakdown structure (OBS) code of the control account or work package. This is a required column. If you remove it using Select Columns, PM Compass automatically adds it back when you next view the form. For more information, see Required Columns above. |
CA3 |
This column displays the field defined in the Control Account Field 3 field on the Fields tab of the Projects form. |
WP |
This column displays the work package ID. This column displays if the work package is the lowest level of data for cost. This is a required column. If you remove it using Select Columns, PM Compass automatically adds it back when you next view the form. For more information, see Required Columns above. |
Description |
This column displays a description of each control account or work package. |
Actual Start |
Use this column to update the Actual Start date for the control account or work package. For more information about this column, see Actual Start/Finish.This date cannot be greater than the Period End Date on the project form Progress tab. |
Actual Finish |
Use this column to update the Actual Finish date for the control account or work package. For more information about this column, see Actual Start/Finish.This date cannot be greater than the Period End Date on the project form Progress tab. |
Percent Complete |
Use this column to update how much of the control account or work package has been completed in percent format. You can only update the value in this column if the earned value technique (EVT) for the control account or work package is % Complete. |
Forecast Start |
Use this column to update the Forecast Start date for the control account or work package. If the Allow Editing a Forecast option and a cost set are selected on the Progress tab of the Projects Form view, updates to the forecast dates will be written to the live project along with the time-phased forecast. For more information about this column, see Forecast Start/Finish. |
Forecast Finish |
Use this column to update the Forecast Finish date for the control account or work package. If the Allow Editing a Forecast option and a cost set are selected on the Progress tab of the Projects Form view, updates to the forecast dates will be written to the live project along with the time-phased forecast. For more information about this column, see Forecast Start/Finish.You can modify the date in this column if there is no date specified in the Actual Finish column for the control account or work package. |
Comment |
This column displays a link to the comment that you entered in the Comments dialog box when you submitted a progress entry in your role as Assignee. Click the Comment link to view the comment. You cannot modify the comments in this column. |
Baseline Start |
This is the Baseline Start date for the control account or work package as specified in the cost system. You cannot modify this date. |
Baseline Finish |
This is the Baseline Finish date for the control account or work package as specified in the cost system. You cannot modify this date. |
Note |
This column contains a link to the note on the Notes tab of the Enter Cost Progress form. |
After you have submitted a control account or work package for approval, you can no longer make updates to that control account or work package. If the approver rejects the updates you submitted for a control account or work package, you can then again update and submit it to the approver.
Enter progress for a progress entry that is not displayed
Find control accounts or work packages that are not progressing according to plan
View changes made to a progress record
View explanation of variance for a control account or work package
View time phased resource data for a control account or work package
Set system-level settings for progress