Use this tab to configure project-level settings applicable for updating progress. The settings are applicable to cost, schedule, or both.
Many of the fields on this tab can also be seen on the System Settings Progress tab. The fields on this tab allow you to configure the settings on a project-by-project basis (project-level) whereas the fields on the System Settings Progress tab allow you to configure the settings for all projects (system-level).
The fields on this tab are disabled if Apply Progress Settings to All Projects is selected on the System Settings Progress tab. This indicates that the system-level settings are set to apply to all projects and you cannot override them for any one project.
All tabs of the Projects Form View share a common toolbar.
Use the fields in this group box to specify whether progress is entered into the cost (work packages) or schedule (activities) system. If progress is entered into the schedule, any data found in the cost system is updated through processes in the cost system. For example, if the cost system is Cobra, the Integration Wizard is used to update the work packages from the progress that is entered on the activities through PM Compass.
Select Schedule to update schedule data. When the Scheduling Tool field is set to None on the Schedule Integration tab or if a schedule project does not exist, this option is disabled and the Cost option is selected.
Select Cost to update cost data.
If at least one unapproved progress entry exists in the system, you cannot change this field setting until all of the existing unapproved progress entries are approved or deleted.
Select a default duration unit to display on the Enter Schedule Progress form. This is used when you have entered a duration amount without including a letter for the unit (such as "5w" or "3d"). This field is disabled when the Source System to Update is Cost.
Hours displays as h on the Enter Schedule Progress form.
Days displays as d on the Enter Schedule Progress form.
Weeks displays as w on the Enter Schedule Progress form.
Months displays as m on the Enter Schedule Progress form.
Since the duration units in Primavera P6 are a user setting, PM Compass converts all durations to the units selected in this field.
Select a date set when the schedule forecast start or finish date value is derived. The Forecast Finish field on the General tab of the Projects form derives its date value from this setting. This field is disabled when the Source System to Update is Cost.
Select Early to use the early forecast date set. By default, this option is selected.
Select Late to use the late forecast date set.
Select Scheduled to use the scheduled forecast date set.
If the forecast date column is visible in the Schedule Update Status/Approval form, the system uses this date setting. For example, if you select Early Date as the forecast date, the selected value becomes the default setting in the schedule view.
Microsoft Project and Deltek Open Plan have similar options.
Use the fields in this group box to specify the end date and length (frequency) of the progress cycle. The cost status date is displayed here for reference. These fields are disabled when the Source System to Update is Schedule.
Period End Date: The period end date is used to validate the Actual Start and Finish dates manually entered into the Enter Progress view. You cannot enter an Actual Start or Actual Finish date greater than the Period End Date. The process used to create progress entries uses and maintains the Period End Date. Progress entries are generated if today’s date is equal to the Number of Days Before Period End to Create Progress Entries.
When you first make a project visible, the Period End Date is the same as the Cobra Status Date. The Change Management process uses the Cobra Status Date and not the Period End Date.
You need to schedule the creation of progress entries, regardless of whether or not you choose to automatically create progress entries, because this process advances the Period End Date. When you schedule the creation of Progress Entries, the Period End Date is moved by the Frequency if today’s date is equal to or greater than the Period End Date + Number of Days After Period End When the Status Cycle Ends. The Period End Date will change even if the Cobra calendar has not yet been advanced, allowing you to enter progress.
Cost Status Date: This field displays the status date of the Cobra cost system.
Frequency: The frequency is the length of the progress cycle.
When the source system is cost, the frequency is set to Cobra Calendar and is read-only.
When the source system is a schedule, you have a number of choices for the frequency at which you will enter schedule progress information. For example, if you select Weekly, the system creates progress entries and notifies you for all records currently in progress or forecasted to start that week or the following week.
This field includes the following options:
Bi-weekly indicates that the progress cycle ends every other week.
Cobra Calendar indicates that the Period End Date will move to the next date in the Cobra calendar.
End of month indicates that the progress cycle ends on the last day of the calendar month.
Weekly indicates that the Period End Date is advanced 7 days from the entered date.
Automatically Create Progress Entries: Automatically creating progress entries provides a default list of records that the person entering progress should be focusing on — those records (activities or work packages) that are in progress or planned to start before the end of the next period. These records are used to notify the person who should be entering the progress and the Pending Progress report so you can tell when all progress has been submitted.
If you do not automatically create progress entries, the Enter Progress view is blank when you access the view. See Configure Progress for more information about configuring the system to create progress entries.
This option is disabled when you are working with a master project.
Run Now: Click to create (or recreate) progress entries for the selected project only. This is useful when a problem occurs with the creation of progress entries for a single project or when you have set up a new project and you want to test the process.
When you click Run Now, the process is sent to the Scheduled Process Queue. When the process runs, existing progress entries for the selected project are deleted and progress entries for that same project are created. The progress entries are created regardless of whether today is the day that they should be created. The Period End Date changes for that project if today is the day when the progress cycle ends.
This button is enabled when Automatically Create Progress Entries is selected.
View Status: Click to display the Process Queue. You can use this to see when the process completes and to view any termination messages. This button is enabled when Automatically Create Progress Entries is selected.
Number of Days Before Period End to Create Progress Entries: When the scheduled alert to create progress entries is run, a calculation is performed for each project to determine if today is the day progress entries are created for each project. The Period End Date minus the number in this field is compared with today's date. If these dates match, existing progress entries for the project are deleted and new ones created.
You can enter a value or use the spinner control to select a value from –10 through 31. The value is the number of days from the period end date. The default is zero (0) days.
Number of Days After Period End When the Progress Cycle Ends: This field has two purposes:
It is used when the system advances the Period End Date.
If this number is greater than the Frequency selected, the Period End Date will advance every time the reoccurring scheduled alert executes.
You can use it to calculate when the notifications are sent or when to stop reminder notifications to users needing to enter progress.
The default notification uses this calculation to determine when to send the notification to the assignee. The notification is sent three days before the status cycle ends. See Notifications on the Configure Progress help page for additional information.
The default is 5 calendar days.
Use these fields to select the progress types that PM Compass recognizes during progress update. All options that you select here become available in the Progress Type drop-down list on the General tab of the Enter Schedule Progress form.
This group box is disabled when the source system to update is Cost.
Complete indicates that the activity is deemed complete. The Progress Value column must be set to 100%.
As Planned indicates that the activity will only be progressed using the Actual dates and you do not need to enter value in the Progress Value column.
Elapsed Duration indicates that the activity is being progressed using the time/period that has elapsed.
Percent Complete indicates that the activity is a certain percentage complete.
Remaining Duration indicates that the activity is being progressed using the remaining time/period.
Use (as the administrator) the options in this group box to select the business checks or validations to implement when updating cost or schedule progress. These trigger a validation error, warning, or visual indication, and set defaults on the Update Progress form when rules or criteria are not met.
Manually Enter Actual Dates: This option determines if you must manually enter valid actual start and actual finish dates or if the system provides a default date once the progress is entered. This is applicable to the Enter Cost Progress and Enter Schedule Progress forms. If you select it, you must manually enter a start and finish date before being able to save the entered status. If you do not select it, the system defaults to an actual start date when you enter the first status and to a finish date when you have entered status indicating that the activity is complete.
Allow Editing Actual Dates: This option determines if the actual start and finish dates can still be edited after saving the progress record. This is applicable to the Enter progress Cost and Schedule views. If you select this option, the actual dates can be edited as long as the progress record is not yet submitted. After the progress record is submitted, progress data can no longer be changed even if you select this option. You have the option to save the progress information without submitting the progress record which enables you to go back to the progress record and edit it on the next session. There is no defaulting of actual dates and you must enter the actual dates when the progress is entered.
Require Expected Finish Date: This option determines whether the expected finish date is required when the progress is entered. This is applicable only to the Enter Schedule Progress form. If you select this option, you must enter the expected finish date. This setting is ignored if your scheduling tool is Microsoft Project or Microsoft Project Server.
Allow Not Earlier Than: This option determines whether you can specify that the activity can start no earlier than the date that you specify in the Start No Earlier Than field on the General Tab of the Enter Schedule Progress form. In addition to this setting, there are other criteria that determine if the Start No Earlier Than field is enabled. This is applicable only to the Enter Schedule Progress form.
Allow Out-of-Sequence Progressing: This option determines if the predecessor and successor activities are progressed in the order required by the relationship type of the predecessor to the successor activity. This is applicable only to the Enter Schedule Progress form. If you select this option, the system allows you to enter the progress of the successor activity without any constraint.
Allow Reducing Percent Complete: This option determines if the percent complete can be reduced when the progress is entered. This is applicable only to the Enter Cost Progress form when the selected EVT is % Complete, % Complete Manual Entry, or Assignment % Complete. If you select this option, you can reduce the value of the % Complete field as long as the progress record is not yet submitted. After the progress data is submitted, progress data can no longer be changed. You have the option to save the progress information without submitting the progress record which enables you to go back to the progress record and edit it on the next session.
Allow Resource Percent Complete: Select this option if you want to enter the percent complete for each resource assignment on the activity. If the same resource assignment is listed multiple times, you can enter the percent complete on any row. Selecting this option enables the Physical % Complete field on the Resources tab of the Enter Schedule Progress form.
If you use MSP/MSP Server, or Primavera P6 as your scheduling tool, you can enter Physical % Complete (called Work % Complete or % Complete in MSP/MSP Server) OR Remaining Quantity, not both. Selecting this option disables Remaining Quantity and enables Physical % Complete.
If you use Primavera P6 as your scheduling tool, when the Original Duration in Primavera P6 is zero, you cannot edit resource Physical % Complete, regardless of whether or not this option is selected.
Allow Editing a Forecast: This option determines whether a forecast can be edited. It relates to entering cost progress and is used in conjunction with the class lookup on the Progress tab of the Projects form.
The Cost Set Lookup is enabled when the Allow Editing a Forecast option is selected (even if the Allow Editing a Forecast field is disabled but selected). When a project is made visible in PM Compass, the default cost set is blank because none of the default cost sets meet the criteria for the field. The lookup displays all cost sets for the selected project except EAC and ETC. If the cost set that you select doesn't meet the criteria, a message displays letting you know and you will need to select a different cost set. The criteria are as follows:
The cost set only contains one class.
The class is a forecast class.
The forecast type is M (retain ETC).
The forecast class level = work package.
The class is not in the EAC cost set or the ETC cost set.
If the forecast class selected uses an alternate date set, then the forecast dates displayed in the grid on the General tab are the alternate date set.
This is applicable only to the Enter Cost Progress form.
This group box allows you to select which user date field from the cost or schedule contains the date when progress was last submitted for cost or schedule. Only date fields that have been added to user-defined data appear in the drop-down selection.
Schedule: The drop-down list in this field contains a list of user date fields from Open Plan. Select the user date field when the progress information for schedule was last submitted. Alternatively, you can enter a character in the field and the system then finds the first value that starts with the character that you entered. If it does not find a match, the current display in the field does not change.
This date is used by Update Progress to know when progress was last submitted. When progress is approved, this date is saved in the source system.
This field is only enabled if the Source System to Update is Schedule.
Cost: The drop-down list in this field contains a list of user date field from Cobra. Select the user date field when the progress information for cost was last submitted. Alternatively, you can enter a character in the field and the system then finds the first value that starts with the character that you entered. If it does not find a match, the current display in the field does not change.
This date is used by Update Progress to know when progress was last submitted. When progress is approved, this date is saved in the source system.
This field is only enabled if the Source System to Update is Cost.
Select a source system to update