Use the Progress tab of the System Settings form to define the system-level settings for viewing and updating the progress for schedules and costs.
Some of the fields on this tab can also be seen on the Projects form Progress tab. The settings on this tab allow you to configure the settings for all projects (system-level) whereas the fields on the Projects form Progress tab allow you to configure the settings on a project-by-project basis (project-level).
Select this check box if you want the system-level settings on this tab to apply to all projects. When selected, the fields on the Projects form Progress tab are disabled. When this check box is not selected, the settings on this tab are the default progress settings for new projects. Once created, these options are controlled by the project-level settings on the Projects form Progress tab.
Select at least one progress type to be used during the progress update. The progress type you select displays in the Progress type list box of the Enter Progress Schedule View form.
Use (as the administrator) the options in this group box to select the business checks or validations to implement when updating cost or schedule progress. These trigger a validation error, warning, or visual indication, and set defaults on the Update Progress form when rules or criteria are not met.
Manually Enter Actual Dates: This option determines if you must manually enter valid actual start and actual finish dates or if the system provides a default date once the progress is entered. This is applicable to the Enter Cost Progress and Enter Schedule Progress forms. If you select it, you must manually enter a start and finish date before being able to save the entered status. If you do not select it, the system defaults to an actual start date when you enter the first status and to a finish date when you have entered status indicating that the activity is complete.
Allow Editing Actual Dates: This option determines if the actual start and finish dates can still be edited after saving the progress record. This is applicable to the Enter progress Cost and Schedule views. If you select this option, the actual dates can be edited as long as the progress record is not yet submitted. After the progress record is submitted, progress data can no longer be changed even if you select this option. You will have the option to save the progress information without submitting the progress record. This enables you to go back to the progress record and edit it on the next session. There is no defaulting of actual dates and you must enter the actual dates when the progress is entered.
Require Expected Finish Date: This option determines whether the expected finish date is required when the progress is entered. This is applicable only to the Enter Schedule Progress form. If you select this check box, the user must enter the expected finish date. This setting is ignored if your scheduling tool is Microsoft Project or Microsoft Project Server.
Allow Not Earlier Than: This option determines whether the Start No Earlier Than field on the General tab of the Enter Schedule Progress form is enabled if other criteria are met. This allows you to specify that the activity can start no earlier than the date that you specify in the Start No Earlier Than field. It is applicable only to the Enter Schedule Progress form.
Allow Out-of-Sequence Progressing: This option determines if the predecessor and successor activities are progressed in the order required by the relationship type of the predecessor to the successor activity. This is applicable only to the Enter Schedule Progress form. If you select this option, the system allows you to enter the progress of the successor activity without any constraint.
When this option is not selected, more information is gathered from the database to perform the check. If you notice a delay in displaying the Enter Progress view, you may wish to check this option.
Allow Reducing Percent Complete: This option determines if the percent complete can be reduced when the progress is entered. This is applicable only to the Enter Cost Progress form when the selected EVT is % Complete, % Complete Manual Entry, or Assignment % Complete. If you select this option, you can reduce the value of the % Complete field as long as the progress record is not yet submitted. After the progress data is submitted, progress data can no longer be changed. You have the option to save the progress information without submitting the progress record which enables you to go back to the progress record and edit it on the next session.
Allow Resource Percent Complete: Select this option if you want to enter the percent complete for each resource assignment on the activity. If the same resource assignment is listed multiple times, you can enter the percent complete on any row. Selecting this option enables the Physical % Complete field on the Resources tab of the Enter Schedule Progress form.
If you use MSP/MSP Server or Primavera P6 as your scheduling tool, you can enter Physical % Complete (called Work % Complete or % Complete in MSP/MSP Server) OR Remaining Quantity, not both. Selecting this option disables Remaining Quantity and enables Physical % Complete.
If you use Primavera P6 as your scheduling tool, when the Original Duration in Primavera P6 is zero, you cannot edit resource Physical % Complete, regardless of whether or not this option is selected.
Allow Editing a Forecast: This option determines whether a forecast can be edited. It relates to entering cost progress and is used in conjunction with the class lookup on the Progress tab of the Projects form.
Specify the note category in the source system where the schedule notes belong and to where they will be posted after the progress data is approved. The list is retrieved from the User Defined Data (Source Fields tab when Area = Schedule) Activity Note rows. It uses the entry in the Label column as the note category name for Primavera P6 fields and the entry in the Open Plan Field Name column for Open Plan note categories.
If the note category selected here is deleted in User Defined Data, this field changes to <default>.
Specify the note category in the source system where the cost notes belong and to where they will be posted after the progress data is approved. The cost note category list is retrieved from the Cobra work package level note category.
When you select a group, any user who is part of that group can enter or approve progress for all projects to which they have access. Members of the group are able to enter and approve progress by selecting activities or work packages from the Search dialog box. Members of this group must continue to use the Reassign option to approve other workflows such as a Change Request or Explanation of Variance.
The available groups are defined in EPM SA.
The Assignment Mapping grid identifies the assignee and approver for each update progress record type. It also identifies who is notified and who else can enter or approve progress.
Option |
Description |
Assignment Mapping |
Select one of the following options:
Field Name |
Description |
Hierarchy |
This column displays the data hierarchy where you can enter progress data. The hierarchy, listed from highest level to lowest level, is:
The Project assignee and approver are required fields that serve as defaults. This ensures all activities and work packages always have an assignee. The Assignee and the Approver assigned at the higher levels can enter and approve progress at the lower levels. |
Assignee |
Select the field that holds the assignee for each data hierarchy. |
Approver |
Select the field that holds the approver for each data hierarchy. |
Set up the Assignment Mapping grid
Add a custom field to the Projects form
Define a source field as a user field
Specify the assignee and approver for Progress entries