Use System Settings to perform tasks such as:
Specify the application URL and the person to resolve workflow errors
Customize the terms you want to use in your system
Set progress options and assignment mapping
In addition, you can use this area to do the following:
Define if you want the system to automatically search for records on the Search feature.
Define the Default Dashboard view
Set up the system reporting and printing preferences
Define the searches and Dashboard limits
Configure the Update Progress feature settings
Use the System Settings form to select the default settings for your PM Compass applications.
The System Settings form has the following tabs:
General: Use this tab to define the application URL, search limits, and user preference details.
Labels: Use this tab to rename key fields used throughout PM Compass. For example, you can rename the terms Project, Control Account, Work Packages, and others based on the terms that your company uses.
Progress: Use this tab to define the system-level settings for viewing and updating the progress for schedules and costs.
Microsoft Project: Use this tab to set or change the Microsoft Project UNC share location of the project files and process logs.
Primavera P6: Use this tab to set up the Oracle Primavera P6 connection information that PM Compass needs in order for the Primavera P6 integration to work.
File Folders: Use this tab to set the default file location for the Link Center dialog box Path field, the General Export files, and to set the default file location for when you export to MPP from the Schedule Analysis or Change Details Views.
Verify Components: Use this tab to check the installed components, such as connecting to the Open Plan engine, and verifying usernames.
Learn about assignment mapping
Identify the assignee and approver for a progress entry