General Tab of the System Settings Form

Use the General tab of the System Settings form to define the application URL, search limits, and user preference details.

For more information, see System Settings Overview.

Cost System

This field displays the cost system that is selected during the installation.

Application URL

Enter the URL where Deltek PM Compass is installed. When an email that contains a PM Compass link (for example, an HTTP link to a report preview or a PM Compass record) is sent from PM Compass:

 Emails are typically sent from workflows and alerts and when emailing reports.

The application URL here must be used to configure the Open Plan application setting for _PMCWEBSERVICEURL. In addition, you should access PM Compass using the same URL from a browser. For example: http://<pmcwebservername>/pmcompass. You can find the _PMCWEBSERVICEURL setting in Open Plan by clicking File » Preferences » Application, selecting the Advanced tab, and clicking Defaults.

User to Resolve Workflow Failures

If a user field is blank, or the email address for the user is missing in EPM SA, or there is a workflow processing failure, then the user entered here will receive an email. This user must have an email address listed in EPM SA.

Search Limits

Setting search limits (Administration » System Settings » General tab) reduces the number of records that PM Compass retrieves in a view or in a Search dialog box. This is helpful if your company has a large database and it can improve the system's performance, but you should use them with caution because it can cause confusion if a user doesn't realize that "only the first x number of records" and not all records are displaying.  

For example, users expect searches such as All Workflows to display all of the records. If you select the Search limits option, PM Compass displays only the number of rows you indicate as the search limit. The user will have to click the Search Results right or left arrows  to display the next or previous X number of records: .

In addition, if you set a limit in the Progress and Analysis Record Limit field, users can get confused in the Schedule Analysis view and the Update Progress view because PM Compass does not display a warning message that the view is filtered based on this setting.

Use Search Limits

Select this checkbox to define the number of records that can be retrieved at a time. This does not appy to the Progress and Analysis views. To set a limit for those views, use the Progress and Analysis Record Limit field below.

Maximum Number of Records to Retrieve at a Time

Use this field to enter the maximum number of records that can be retrieved at a time. You can set the maximum number of records only if you select the Use Search Limits checkbox.

Use Dashboard Search Limits

Select this checkbox to limit the maximum number of records you want to display at a time, as set on the Dashboard. This option only applies when saved searches are used on the Dashboard.

Maximum Number of Dashboard Records to Retrieve at a Time

Use this field to enter the maximum number of records that can be displayed on your dashboard. You can set the maximum number of dashboard records only if you select the Use Dashboard Search Limits checkbox.

Progress and Analysis Record Limit

Use this option to set the maximum number of rows returned in the Cost/Schedule Progress and Cost/Schedule Analysis views. This improves performance when you have thousands of records in a database.

When you open one of the views and there are more records than the number in this field, a message displays letting you know that the selection exceeds the maximum number of records returned. You should use the filter to reduce the number of records, or increase the number in this field.

If you do not want to limit the number of records that display in the views, you can enter zero (0) in this field. Do this with caution as it may impact the performance if you have a very large database.

User Preference Defaults

Select your default preferences.

Automatically Retrieve Records When Opening Searches

Select this checkbox to automatically populate the result list in the Search dialog box. In order for the change to take effect, you must log out of and back in to PM Compass.

If this option is not selected when you open the search lookup, the result list is blank and you will need to click the Search button to populate the result. In addition, when you select a saved search, you will need to click Search to update the search result.

When this option is selected, and if there are many records being retrieved, it will take a longer time to populate the search dialog box.

When this option is selected, the same option becomes available in the User Preferences dialog box where you can turn the setting on or off for individual users.

If this option is on and the search dialog box is not automatically populating, your individual user setting for this option may be off. S

For more information, see Automatically Retrieve Records When Opening Searches.

Default Dashboard

Use this field to set the default dashboard for new users. Click to display the Dashboards Search dialog box.

To change an existing user’s default dashboard, go to the User Preferences Dialog Box.

Since dashboards take some time to display, it is advisable to select a simple dashboard as the default dashboard. For example, a Tip of the Day dashboard or an Alert dashboard. Dashboards that contain many reports should be accessed by selecting them from the Navigation menu under Dashboards.

Printing Defaults

These options allow you to select the settings for your default printer.


This option allows you to select a default printer. The printer you select is used when reports are sent directly to the printer.


This option allows you to select a default font. The available fonts are those installed on the same server as PM Compass.

Unit of Measure

This option allows you to select a default unit of measure that you want to use in defining the page dimensions and page margins. When this field is changed, previously defined Page Dimensions and Page Margins values are also converted.

Page Size

This option allows you to select a default page size. When this field is changed, previously defined page dimension values are also converted. When you select the Custom option, it allows you to enter custom page dimension values.

Page Dimensions

This option allows you to enter the default page width and height. The Width and Height fields are enabled only when you select Custom as your page size.

Page Margins

This option allows you to enter the default page margin values.

What do you want to do?

View common workflow failure notification messages

Set default system settings

Create a dashboard

Create a dashpart

Set my user preferences

View location

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