Use the Enter Cost Progress form to update cost progress for control accounts or work packages using progress entries if you are the assignee for the control accounts or work packages or if you are part of the Progress Admin Group (set on the Progress tab in System Settings). The form provides Control Account Managers (CAMs) with a single-entry point to view and submit progress updates to cost data.
Updates are approved using workflow and scheduled alerts, which implement the process by notifying the persons responsible that they need to update progress or approve submitted progress updates. This process is performed before data is updated in the cost system integrated with PM Compass.
The grid displays the work packages that require progress updates. You can use the Search dialog box to select from the project’s control accounts. The work packages for the selected control accounts are then displayed in the view for you to update their progress.
The manner in which you update a cost system forecast depends on the source system:
If you use schedule progress to update the actual start/finish date, percent complete, and so on for an activity, you will need to use a Forecast Change Request to change the cost system forecast.
If the source system that you are updating is a cost system, you can use the Enter Progress view to update a forecast.
When you select the Allow Editing a Forecast option and then select a cost set on the Progress tab of the Projects Form view, any modifications to forecast dates and resources will be instantaneously updated in the live project once you save. This update occurs regardless of whether the progress entries have been submitted or approved.
After cost progress is approved, there are a number of steps you should perform.
If you want to use an approval cycle for changes to the forecast or if you use schedule progress to update the activity progress, you will need to use a Forecast Change Request to change the cost system forecast. This method also has the advantage of automatically updating the forecast instead of running Reclass and the other steps in Cobra.
The Enter/Approve Cost Progress Navigation menu options under Projects provide an easy way for you to access progress for master projects. Another way you can do this is to select a project from the Projects List view.
Enter and Submit Cost Progress
Enter Progress for a Record that is not Assigned to you
Enter Progress for a record that is not Displayed
Edit Cost Progress Time-phased Data
Find Control Accounts or Work Packages That Are Not Progressing According to Plan