Detail Forms:
The Terminal Monitor form displays information about terminals that you have configured and that have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form. The Terminal Monitor form allows you to perform the following actions:
Check if the Internet Protocol (IP) address of a terminal is reachable
Restart a terminal in Service Mode
Restart a terminal in Application Mode
Reload Configuration
Launch Service Browser
The status of terminals can be identified by the color in the Terminals Status field (see Terminal Status description below). You must run the TERMINAL_MONITOR service to update the Status field.
See Also:
Terminal Monitor Field Descriptions
Find a Terminal Monitor Record
How Terminals are Listed on the Terminal Monitor Form
Use the Auto Refresh button to turn automatic refresh on and off. When Auto Refresh is enabled, the Terminal Monitor will refresh automatically based on the form_refresh_time value on the Form Settings form. The default value is 180 seconds (3 minutes). Click Auto Refresh again to turn this feature off.
You can also refresh the Terminal Monitor at any time by clicking the Find button.
Not all the fields listed below are visible by default. You may have to enable them in your Form Profile.
Group Identifier
Device Identifier
Terminal ID
Terminal ID
Terminal Type
The type of terminal.
A description of the Terminal.
Terminal IP
The terminal’s IP address.
Terminal Status
The Terminal Status field displays a terminal's status as of the last time the TERMINAL_MONITOR service ran. You must enable the service on the Service Instance form.
Note that if the terminal is a member of Terminal Group, its Group Status and Group Member Status may be different from the Terminal Status.
The Terminal Status options are:
New: The terminal has never connected to the application server. There have been no attempts to PING, restart, or reload the terminal's configuration.
Service: The terminal is in Service Mode. Only applies to B-Net 9520, B-NET 9540, and B-web 9300/9500 terminals.
Offline: The terminal is not connecting to the application server and is offline.
Offline - Processing Offline Data: The terminal is processing offline transactions.
Online: The terminal is connecting to the application server and is online.
Duration of Status
This field displays the length of time the terminal has been in the status shown in the Terminal Status field.
Last Comm Host IP
IP Address of the server with which the terminal last communicated. The Last Comm Host Name and Last Comm Host IP fields can be used to troubleshoot server connection issues.
Last Comm Host Name
Host Name of the server with which the terminal last communicated. The Last Comm Host Name and Last Comm Host IP fields can be used to troubleshoot server connection issues.
Operating State
If the terminal’s Terminal Profile has been assigned a Terminal Off Policy, the Operating State column may show the current operating state of the terminal. If the terminal does not have a Terminal Off Policy, then the Operating State column will be blank.
The Operating State determines whether a terminal that is in COMPLETE_OFFLINE Operating Mode will send its offline transactions to the application server for processing. The Operating State can be set manually via the Operating State form, or by the COMPLETE_OFFLINE_STATE_CONTROLLER service. See Permanent Offline Data Collection with Scheduled Data Pull for more information.
Pend. Reload Status
Indicates whether the terminal has a pending configuration, application mode, or service mode reload. The field will be blank unless the terminal was selected for reload. Once the reload begins, the field will be blank again.
When you click the Reload Configuration button for the terminal, the field will display Configuration.
When you click the Reload in Svc Mode button for the terminal, the field will display Service.
When you click the Reload in App Mode button for the terminal, the field will display Application.
Once the reload begins, the field will be blank.
Terminal Group Name
If the terminal is a member of a Terminal Group, this field displays the name of the Terminal Group. Otherwise, this field will be blank.
Group Status
Displays the status of the Terminal Group - Online, Offline Queuing, or Offline Processing. See How a Terminal Group’s Status is Determined for more information.
Group Member Status
Displays the status of a Group Member in a Terminal Group - Offline, Offline Queuing, Offline Processing, or Online. See How a Terminal Group Member’s Status is Determined for more information.
The Terminal Status column displays the status of a terminal. The status is updated when the TERMINAL_MONITOR service runs. To enable the service, see Service Instance.
By default, terminals are listed by Terminal Status in the following order:
New: The terminal has never connected to the application server. There have been no attempts to PING, restart, or reload the terminal's configuration.
Service: The terminal is in Service Mode. Only applies to B-Net 9520, B-NET 9540, and B-web 9300/9500 terminals.
Offline: The terminal is not connecting to the application server and is offline.
Offline - Processing Offline Data: The terminal is processing offline transactions.
Online: The terminal is connecting to the application server and is online.
If you are using the default system Color Policy, each Terminal Status will have a different color (for example, red for Offline terminals and yellow for New terminals). You can change these colors by creating a new Color Policy and assigning it to the Employee or Employee Groups that use the Terminal Monitor form.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor. The terminals that have been configured and have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form will appear on the Terminal Monitor form.
If the record you are searching
for is not visible on the form, you can use the filter
fields to search for it. Click
the Filter button to display
the filter fields (GID, DID, Terminal ID, Terminal Type, Terminal
Status, and Terminal Group Name).
Select a GID, DID, Terminal ID, Terminal Type, Terminal Status, and/or Terminal Group Name from the drop-down boxes.
Click Find. The records that match your criteria will appear.
The Document Transfer button on the Terminal Monitor form is used to trigger the transfer of the latest relay schedules, offline person data, and offline charge element data to individual terminals.
Note: To use Document Transfer, the selected terminal must have the appropriate Terminal Profile Setting or Terminal Setting enabled (OFFLINE_PERSON_AUTHENTICATION, OFFLINE_CHARGE_ELEMENT_VALIDATION, OFFLINE_JOB_VALIDATION, or RELAY_SCHEDULE).
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor.
Select the terminals you want to update. Press the CTRL key and click to select multiple terminals.
Click the Document Transfer button.
In the Document Data section, move the Offline Person Validation, Offline Charge Validation, and/or Relay Schedule option from the Available column to the Selected column.
An Offline Person Validation document contains a list of person numbers elements that can be validated on the terminal in offline mode. See Offline Person Validation for more information.
An Offline Charge Validation document contains a list of charge elements that can be validated on the terminal in offline mode. See Offline Charge Validation for more information.
A Relay Schedule document contains a terminal relay schedule. A terminal relay schedule is used to schedule one or more terminals to activate a relay signal which can perform an action such as sounding an alarm or opening a door.
Click OK.
There is now a pending request for the server to send the terminal the latest documents.
When the terminal sends a status check request to the server, the server looks at the pending requests for relay schedule, offline person data, or offline charge element data. The server then sends the terminal the name of the relay schedule, offline person, and/or offline charge element document.
When the terminal requests the relay schedule, offline person, or offline charge element document, the server generates an XML file with the appropriate information and sends it to the terminal.
You can view the documents that will be sent by selecting the document on the Terminal Documents tab and clicking View Documents.
The Is Device Reachable button allows you to check if the IP Address of a terminal is reachable.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor. The terminals that have been configured and have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form will appear on the Terminal Monitor form. If necessary, click the filter button to display the filter fields and search for specific terminals; then click Find.
Select a terminal by clicking its row in the grid.
Click the Is Device Reachable button on the toolbar. The message Are you sure that you would like to perform this operation? will appear.
Click OK.
A success/failure message will appear. Click OK.
This action will update the Is Device Reachable field on the Communication Details tab.
Note: A successful reach does not mean that the client terminal is running. It simply means that the terminal is powered up, and its IP Address is reachable through the network. Even if the reach succeeds, an HTTP request/response may fail based on the terminal and the server’s IP address and subnet configuration.
Note: The Launch SVC Browser feature is supported only in B-Net 9520, B-Net 9540, and B-web 9300/9500 terminals. The terminals must be in Service Mode.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor. The terminals that have been configured and have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form will appear on the Terminal Monitor form. If necessary, click the filter button to display the filter fields and search for specific terminals; then click Find.
Select a B-Net 9520, B-Net 9540, or B-web 9300/9500 terminal by clicking its row in the grid.
Click Launch SVC Browser.
The Terminal login form appears. It displays the IP address of the terminal you selected in step 2 above.
Reload Configuration will perform a soft restart of the terminal application. This option is useful when changes are made to the terminal's settings that require a terminal restart.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor. The terminals that have been configured and have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form will appear on the Terminal Monitor form. If necessary, click the filter button to display the filter fields and search for specific terminals; then click Find.
Select a terminal by clicking its row in the grid.
Click Reload Configuration. The message Are you sure that you would like to perform this operation? will appear.
Click OK.
This action will update the results of the Last XmlConfig Req. field on the Communication Details tab.
Note: The Reload in Application Mode feature is supported only on B-Web 9300/9500 terminals with B-Client XML 10 version 6.0.8 or higher.
Use Reload in Application Mode to reload the terminal's configuration when the terminal is in application mode. This reload will perform a soft restart of the terminal application. This option is useful when changes are made to the terminal's settings that require a terminal restart. This option sends an XML command to the terminal remotely without using FTP communication.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor. The terminals that have been configured and have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form will appear on the Terminal Monitor form. If necessary, click the filter button to display the filter fields and search for specific terminals; then click Find.
Select a terminal by clicking its row in the grid.
Click Reload in App Mode.
The message Are you sure that you would like to perform this operation? will appear.
Click OK.
Note: The Reload in Service Mode feature is supported only on B-Web 9300/9500 terminals with B-Client XML 10 version 6.0.8 or higher.
Use Reload in Service Mode to reload the terminal's configuration when the terminal is in service mode. This reload will perform a soft restart of the terminal application. This option is useful when changes are made to the terminal's settings that require a terminal restart. This option sends an XML command to the terminal remotely without using FTP communication.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor. The terminals that have been configured and have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form will appear on the Terminal Monitor form. If necessary, click the filter button to display the filter fields and search for specific terminals; then click Find.
Select a terminal by clicking its row in the grid.
Click Reload in Svc Mode.
The message Are you sure that you would like to perform this operation? will appear.
Click OK to continue.
Note: The Restart in Application Mode feature is supported only in B-Net 9520, B-Net 9540, and B-Web 9300/9500 terminals.
In Application Mode, the client software runs on the terminal and employees can use the login screen and other forms.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor. The terminals that have been configured and have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form will appear on the Terminal Monitor form. If necessary, click the filter button to display the filter fields and search for specific terminals; then click Find.
If a terminal does not have the Monitor box checked and does not appear on the Terminal Monitor form, you can still restart the terminal in application mode using the RESTART_TERMINALS service.
Select a terminal by clicking its row in the grid.
Click Restart in App Mode. The message Are you sure that you would like to perform this operation? will appear.
Click OK.
This action will update the following fields on the Communication Details tab:
Last Appl. Restart: Date and time of last attempted restart in application mode.
Appl. Restart Result: Result of the last attempted restart in application mode. For example, Successful FTP Connection, Successful Transfer of reboot file to terminal, or FTP connection to terminal failed.
Note: The system is not able to tell whether or not the terminal restarted successfully. However, it will be evident by the date/time of the last successful PING request in the Last XmlConfig Req column on the Communication Details tab.
Note: The Restart in Service Mode feature is supported only on B-Net 9520, B-Net 9540, and B-Web 9300/9500 terminals.
When a terminal is in Service Mode, you can configure its network parameters (Terminal IP, DNS Server Address, etc.) using the Service Browser.
Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor. The terminals that have been configured and have the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form will appear on the Terminal Monitor form. If necessary, click the filter button to display the filter fields and search for specific terminals; then click Find.
If a terminal does not have the Monitor box checked and does not appear on the Terminal Monitor form, you can still restart the terminal in service mode using the RESTART_TERMINALS service.
Select a terminal by clicking its row in the grid.
Click Restart in SVC Mode. The message Are you sure that you would like to perform this operation? will appear.
Click OK to continue.
This action will update the following fields in the Communication Details tab:
Last Service Restart: Date and time of last attempted restart in service mode.
Svc. Restart Result: Result of the last attempted restart in service mode. For example, Successful FTP Connection, Successful Transfer of reboot file to terminal, or FTP connection to terminal failed.