Communication Details

On the Communications Details tab of the Terminal Monitor form, you can find out when a terminal last communicated with the server, posted offline data, or made a successful XMLCONFIG request.

Note: You cannot add, delete, or modify records on the Communication Details form. It is for viewing purposes only.

See Also:

View Communication Details

Communication Details Field Descriptions


View Communication Details

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Terminal Monitor.

  2. Select the terminal record you want to view.

  3. Click the Communication Details tab in the lower half of the form.


Communication Details Field Descriptions

Last Comm Host Name

Host Name of the server with which the terminal last communicated. The Last Comm Host Name and Last Comm Host IP fields can be used to troubleshoot server connection issues.

Last Comm Host IP

IP Address of the server with which the terminal last communicated. The Last Comm Host Name and Last Comm Host IP fields can be used to troubleshoot server connection issues.

Last Comm to Server

Date and time of the terminal’s last attempted communication with the server.

Last Offl. Data Post

Date and time when the terminal last posted offline data.

Last XMLConfig. Req

Date and time of the terminal's last attempted configuration request (e.g., via the Reload Configuration button on the Terminal Monitor form).

Last Dev Reachable Test

Date and time of the last attempt to reach the terminal via the Is Device Reachable button on the Terminal Monitor form.

Is Device Reachable

Displays the results of the last attempt to reach the terminal via the Is Device Reachable button on the Terminal Monitor form. For example, if the terminal is reachable, this field will display Device Reachable. If the terminal does not yet have an IP address, the field will display Terminal IP address needed for this function.

Last Service Restart

Date and time of the last attempt to restart the terminal in Service Mode via the Restart in Svc Mode button on the Terminal Monitor form. Note: Service Restart is available only in B-Net 9520, B-Net 9540, and B-web 9300/9500 terminals.

Svc. Restart Result

Displays the result of the last attempt to restart the terminal via the Restart in Svc Mode button on the Terminal Monitor form.


Successful FTP connection, successful transfer of reboot file to terminal.

FTP connection to terminal failed!

Successful FTP connection, but transfer of reboot file to terminal failed.

Last Appl. Restart

Date and time of the last attempt to restart the terminal via the Restart in App Mode button on the Terminal Monitor form. Note: Application Restart is available only in B-Net 9520, B-Net 9540, and B-web 9300/9500 terminals.

Appl. Restart Result

Displays the result of the last attempt to restart the terminal via the Restart in App Mode button on the Terminal Monitor form.


Successful FTP connection, successful transfer of reboot file to terminal.

FTP connection to terminal failed!

Successful FTP connection, but transfer of reboot file to terminal failed.