Offline Person Validation

The Offline Person Validation feature offers support for validation of data in offline mode locally on XML based terminals. The support includes validation of the following authentication credentials when the terminal is in offline mode:

  1. Badge Number

  2. Biometric Validation

  3. Biometric Exempt Validation

  4. Terminal Filtration

To enable the Offline Person Validation feature, you must do the following:

  1. Set OFFLINE_PERSON_AUTHENTICATION to TRUE in either the Terminal Setting form or the Terminal Profile Setting form.

    Note: Modifying this setting on the Terminal Profile Setting form will enable/disable it for all terminals using that specific Terminal Profile. Modifying the setting on the Terminal Setting form will enable/disable it for just the specified terminal. The Terminal Setting will override the Terminal Profile Setting. 

  2. Enable the Trigger Offline Validation Document Transfer Service (TRIGGER_OFFLINE_VALIDATION_DOC TRANSFER) on the Service Schedule form.


Offline Validation Document

The offline validation document serves as a local database of time reporters that are allowed to use that particular terminal. The document is stored locally on a terminal and is used for validation purposes when the terminal is in offline mode. This document also stores whether each time reporter is required to log in with a finger scan (biometric validation). The following events will trigger the server to create/update the offline validation document on an online terminal that has Offline Person Validation enabled:


  2. The Document Transfer button on the Terminal Monitor form is used to trigger the transfer of the latest offline person data to individual terminals.

  3. The terminal is issued a Reload Configuration command.

  4. The terminal is restarted/rebooted.



The OFFLINE_PERSON_AUTHENTICATION setting can be found on the Terminal Setting form and the Terminal Profile Setting form. Offline Person Validation is enabled for any terminal that has OFFLINE_PERSON_AUTHENTICATION setting set to TRUE.

Modifying the setting on the Terminal Profile Setting form will enable/disable it for all terminals using that specific Terminal Profile. Modifying the setting on the Terminal Setting form will enable/disable it for just the specified terminal. The Terminal Setting will override the Terminal Profile Setting.

The server will not send the offline validation document to any terminal that does not have this setting enabled.



The TRIGGER_OFFLINE_VALIDATION_DOC_TRANSFER service triggers a request for the server to send offline validation documents to all terminals that have the Offline Person Validation feature enabled. The Service can be configured to automatically run at a specified schedule on the Service Instance form and can be monitored through the Service Monitor form. You must enable the service schedule in order for the service to run.


Document Transfer Button in Terminal Monitor

You can use the Document Transfer button on the Terminal Monitor form to trigger the transfer of the latest person data to individual terminals for offline validation. When you use the Document Transfer option, a pending request from the terminal is created. When the terminal requests the person data, the server will generate the data and send it to the terminal. You can view the person data that will be sent by going to the Terminal Documents tab on the Terminal Monitor form.


Maximum Person Records

You can specify the maximum amount of records that can be stored in the Person.XML document. The value is enabled by selecting the setting MAX_PERSON_RECORDS on the Terminal Setting form. You should not enter more records than the number listed in the table below. These are the maximum number of person records allowed for a particular terminal.  

Terminal Type

Max Person Records in Person.XML

B-Net 9520/9540 terminals (Terminal Type 4, 7, 8)


InTeract Client or B-Net 9580 (Terminal Type 3)