Manage Listing Page

Use this page to view and manage a product listing's information, photos, and videos. You can also use this page to access attached documents, related links, and partnership resources.

The contents of this page, which are the available information for a product listing, depend on the listing type of the product listing. You can access a product's Manage Listing page from its respective product listing card on the Product Listings page.

See View Product Listing Details.

As a BPM administrator or BPM author, use this page's edit mode to manage information and related resources for your BPM's product listing, which other Specpoint users see. On this page, you can perform the following tasks:
  • Update product listing information, images, videos, documents, links, and partnerships.
  • Update assigned users from your BPM for a product listing.
  • Submit a product listing for review.

This page is also available to public users. These users can use this page to research the available product listings for projects that they are working on, which includes projects outside Specpoint. MasterSpec sections available outside Specpoint, such as in other platforms and applications of Deltek Specification Solutions, provide access to this page. This provides specification authors with product listing information and related resources for their projects' associated family/section or product type paragraphs.