Download Documents

On the Manage Listing page, use this portion to view and download a product listing's documents. A listing's documents typically contain base document or catalog information.

The available documents depend on the product's listing type. The following documents are available for the following listing types:

Document Premium MasterSpec Premium Premium Proprietary Manufacturer
Full Length
Short Form
Product Specification Document

As a BPM administrator, you can add and remove a catalog for your BPM's product listing.

Product Specification Document

Specpoint automatically generates this downloadable document in place of the document that writers manually created. This document is in the form of a Full-Length section in DOCX format and includes information from a MasterSpec template.

This document uses the product listing as a basis-of-design (BOD) product in the BOD product paragraph or a recommended product in the manufacturer paragraph. The document also selects the product's product type properties in the section's respective product type property paragraphs.

The Product Specification document is available only for Premium MasterSpec or Premium product listings. In addition, this document is automatically available for product listings that do not include a Full Length document and a Short Form document.