Contents of the Download Documents Portion

Use the contents of this portion to download the available documents for a product listing. As a BPM administrator, use the additional options in edit mode to manage the documents of your BPM's product listing.

Navigate to the following contents:

Display Mode Contents

Under Download Documents in display mode, the following documents for a product listing are available:

Document Description
Full Length This indicates that a Full Length document is available for this product listing. If a Full Length document is not available, this entry does not display.

Click Download to download the Full Length document for this listing.

Short Form This indicates that a Short Form document is available for this product listing. If a Short Form document is not available, this entry does not display.

Click Download to download the Short Form document for this listing.

Product Specification Document This indicates that a Product Specification document is available for this product listing. If a Product Specification document is not available, this entry does not display.

Click Download to download the Product Specification document for this listing.

This document is available only for product listings that have the following:
  • Listing Type: Premium MasterSpec or Premium
  • State: Premium MasterSpec Review (your BPM's listings only), Premium MasterSpec Review - BPM Submitted (your BPM's listings only), or Completed

In addition, the Product Specification document is automatically available for product listings that do not include a Full Length document and a Short Form document.

To use a Product Specification document for your BPM's product listing, contact your Deltek administrator.

Catalog This indicates that a Catalog document is available for this product listing. If a Catalog document is not available, this entry does not display.

Click Download to download the Catalog document for this listing.

A product listing cannot have both a Product Specification document and a Full Length or Short Form document.

Edit Mode Contents

These options are available only to BPM administrators and BPM authors.

Under Download Documents in edit mode, the following options for your product listing's catalog are available:

Option Description
Upload Catalog Click this button to upload a new catalog.

You can only upload files in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, and PDF. The file size must not exceed 2 GB.

Upload Icon Click this button to update the existing catalog.

You can only upload files in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, and PDF. The file size must not exceed 2 GB.

Delete Icon Click this button to delete the uploaded catalog.