Use this screen to:



Use this group box to specify the identification number for this requisition.

Requisition ID

This field displays the requisition number that is the unique identifier for this requisition. This number is used throughout Costpoint to reference the requisition. You can assign requisition numbers in one of two ways, depending on the requisition numbering method selected in the Requisition Settings screen:


This field displays the number of times a requisition changes from R (Rejected) status to P (Pending) status. When a requisition/requisition line is rejected, you can modify and save the requisition. This resets the requisition status to P and increments the revision number.

Approval Process

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the approval process code for this requisition, if applicable.

Approval process codes have settings that specify the manner in which a requisition must be approved before generating a purchase order. The status of this field and the approval process codes available for selection depend on how the approval process is set up in the Process Assignments group box in the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen.

If approval processes are assigned manually at the requisition level (that is, the Requisition option is selected in the Approval Level group box, and the Manual option is selected in the Process Assignments group box in the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen), enter the approval process code that this requisition must clear to be eligible for generation into a purchase order. If approval processes are not required (or requisition approval is required at the requisition line level), or if they are automatically assigned, you cannot enter a value in this field. Once you have submitted a requisition line for approval, you cannot modify this code.

You can establish a link between an approval process and a system workflow in Costpoint Workflow in the Administration domain. For example, when you initiate the workflow case, Costpoint could send a message to the next approver's user ID when the requisition Status is changed to I (In Approval) in this screen. Be sure to check with your Costpoint administrator or consultant regarding establishing additional workflow settings in Costpoint Workflow.


This field displays the line status listed below and can be updated by you or Costpoint, depending on the requisition's stage in the procurement planning process. If approvals are performed at the line level, the line status of a requisition may not always agree with the header status. Pending and in-approval requisition lines may coexist in this table window if approvals are performed at the line level. The system-defined values are as follows:

Submit for Approval

Select this check box to send this requisition for approval when you click on the toolbar. Be sure to finalize all your settings and preferences in this screen before you select this check box.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency code that is specified for the requisition in the Exchange Rates subtask. All amounts on this screen are expressed in this currency.


This screen contains the following tabs:




Header SOW

Click this link to open the Header SOW subtask and to add one or more statement of work to the requisition.

Hdr Txt

Click this link to open the Hdr Txt subtask and assign established standard text codes to a requisition header.

Hdr Approvals

Click this link to open the Hdr Approvals subtask and view information that is used to determine when the requisition becomes approved. This button is available when approvals are issued at the requisition level (that is, you have selected the Requisition option for the approval level on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen), and the requisition status is not pending.


Click this link to open the Totals subtask and view the total estimated extended cost amount, total estimated line charges, total estimated sales tax/VAT amount, and total estimated cost amount for the requisition.

Exchange Rates

Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask and maintain the transaction currency, rate groups, and exchange rates for the requisition. This link is disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.

Hdr Documents

Click this link to open the Hdr Documents subtask and assign documents to the requisition header. These documents are pre-established within Costpoint Product Definition or added by requisition.

Link SCI/SAP Security Codes

Click this link to open the Link SCI/SAP Security Codes to specify the security clearance code.

Requisition Lines

Use this table window to enter requisition line item information. Refer to the Header tab for settings that may default for requisition lines. Depending on the stage and settings of the requisition process, certain fields in each requisition line may or may not be modified.

Req Line

This field displays the system identifier of a line on the requisition. It is a sequential number assigned by Costpoint to track the line items of the requisition.


Select the requisition line status from the drop-down list.

Line Type

This field displays the line type of P (Part), G (Good), S (Service), or M (Miscellaneous) for the item specified.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the ID of the item to be requisitioned. Items, whether they are a part, good or service, are entered in Costpoint Product Definition.

Item Rev

This field displays the latest revision default when you enter an item. If you are using multiple part revisions, you can enter another revision.

Misc Type

Enter, or click to select, the miscellaneous line charge type for miscellaneous lines. This field is accessible only when the Item field is left blank and a miscellaneous charge is being entered when the value in the Line Type field is M.


This field displays the description of the item. If modifications to descriptions are allowed on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen in Costpoint Product Definition, you can modify the description here, but it does not update the Item table. You can also use this field to requisition miscellaneous items that do not exist on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the item is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the item you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that item:

If you are unauthorized to access parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit requisition lines for that restricted part/revision. In addition, you will not be able to view Line Documents, Substitute Parts, and Manufacturer/Vendor part information for those restricted items.

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

Requested Date

Enter, or click to select, the date by which the item is needed by the requisitioner.

Req U/M

Enter, or click to select, the unit of measure code for the requisitioned quantity on this line.


Enter the quantity to be requisitioned in the requisition unit of measure for this item.

Inv Abbrev

Enter, or click to select, the abbreviation of the inventory associated with the requisitioned item.

This field is required for all P type requisitions, and displays account information used by Costpoint Inventory when inventory transactions are posted to the inventory journal.

If you entered a valid inventory abbreviation in the Header tab and chose to have it default for all requisition lines, this field displays that inventory abbreviation. If that default value is unavailable, this field uses the inventory abbreviation that was entered in the Part Planning subtask of the Part Inventory Inquiry. In either case, you can enter a different abbreviation.

After the this field is populated for the requisition line, the Warehouse field value defaults to the Planning Warehouse ID that appears in the Inventory Projects screen for this inventory project/inventory abbreviation. The Project, Account, and Organization assigned to this inventory abbreviation default to the Account Distribution subtask.


Use this drop-down list to indicate (Yes or No) if sales tax or VAT is to be calculated for this requisition line item. The default is taxable for all, non-taxable for all, or it defaults from the item's (or Misc Type code's) taxable status. Any default can be modified as necessary.

Ship ID

Enter, or click to select, the ship ID code. This code represents the address to which the purchased items should be delivered.

This is a required field for parts and goods, as well as for taxable items.

Sales Tax/VAT Rate

This field displays the sales tax/VAT rate for the sales tax/VAT code that is assigned to the ship ID. After you enter a ship ID for this requisition line or in the Other Information tab, the sales tax/VAT rate that is assigned to the sales/VAT tax code for that ship ID defaults in this field. Ship IDs and sales/use tax codes are assigned to vendors in the Manage Vendors screen. Sales/VAT tax codes can also be assigned to ship IDs for branch locations (in the Manage Branch Locations screen in Costpoint Purchasing), customers (in Costpoint Sales Order Entry), and warehouses (in Costpoint Inventory). The tax rate is originally assigned to the tax code using the Manage Sales or Value Added Taxes screen in Costpoint System Administration.

Est Cost Type

Enter, or click to select, the cost type code for this requisition line. Set up cost types on the Manage Purchase Requisition Cost Types screen.

Costpoint searches for the cost type in the item cost tables and loads the associated cost amount in the estimated unit cost fields. You can add or modify these costs through the Maintain Item Cost and Maintain Project Item Cost screens in Costpoint Product Definition.

Est Unit Cost Amt

Enter the estimated unit cost amount for the requisitioned item. The cost stored in the Item Cost table defaults here, depending upon the Est Cost Type.

Est Extended Cost Amt

The estimated extended cost amount is automatically calculated by Costpoint using Est Unit Cost multiplied by the Quantity. You must enter the estimated extended cost amount for S (Services) and M (Miscellaneous) lines where a quantity and unit price are not entered and calculation need not be performed.

Est Line Charge Amt

This field displays the sum of all line charges entered in the Line Charges subtask for this requisition line.

Est Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sum total of sales tax/VAT for the line item and any line charges assigned if the Tax field is Y (Yes).

Total Est Cost Amt

This field displays the sum of the Est Extended Cost Amt, the Est Line Charge Amt, and the Est Sales Tax/VAT Amt.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the buyer who is responsible for procuring this item. Costpoint may default a buyer based on the buyer set up in the Requisition Settings screen.

If the Allow Buyer Override option is selected on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen, users can modify the default buyer, regardless of the buyer assignment method, or add a buyer if no value was defaulted in.

Assignment Date

This field displays the date on which this requisition is assigned to a buyer. It defaults to the current date if a buyer was assigned manually.

Delivery Schedule Exists

If selected, this check box indicates that there are multiple delivery schedules that exist for the PO line. This check box is cleared and disabled for new lines.

Combine into Delivery Schedule

If selected, this check box indicates that the requisitions are to be combined in a delivery schedule.

Target Place Date

Enter the date, or click to select, the buyer should generate the PO in order to receive the requisitioned item by the requested date.

Preferred Vendor

Enter the identification code of the preferred vendor for the requisitioned item.

Preferred Vendor Name

This field displays the name of the Preferred Vendor.

Vendor Part

Enter, or click to select, the vendor part ID for this item. This field defaults to the vendor part that was identified in the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. The default value can be modified.

Vend Rev

Enter the revision for the vendor part for this item. Costpoint loads the vendor revision based on the vendor part selected. Establish vendor revisions in the Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.


Enter, or click to select, the manufacturer ID of the requisitioned part.

Manufacturer Part

Enter, or click to select, the manufacturer's part for this item. Costpoint loads this field from the Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, if one was assigned for this item. The system-loaded value can be modified.

Mfg Rev

Enter the revision for the manufacturer's part for this item. Costpoint loads the revision based on the manufacturer's part selected. Establish this revision in the Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Preferred Quote

Enter, or click to select, the vendor quote that is the source for this requisitioned item. Enter quote information using the Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor or Manage Request for Quotes by Item screen.

If you use to select an open, unexpired award, the requisition line's Est Net Unit Cost is populated with the Net Unit Cost for the selected breakpoint quantity as it appears for the quoted item. The Preferred Vendor field also loads from the quote header, as do the manufacturer, manufacturer part/revision, and vendor part/revision from the quote line. You can modify these fields for pending requisitions.

Suggested Blanket PO

Enter, or click to select, the suggested blanket PO for the requisitioned item.

Procurement Type

Enter, or click to select, the procurement type code for the requisitioned item.

QC Insp Reqd

Use this drop-down list to indicate whether a quality control inspection is required upon receipt of the items ordered.

This flag is loaded from the Part Master or Line Charge table and can be modified.

Srce Insp Reqd

Use this drop-down list to indicate whether a government source inspection is required.

A source inspection normally requires the vendor to obtain approval from a government inspector before shipping any material. This flag is loaded from the Part Master table and can be modified.

Cert Conf Reqd

Use this drop-down list to indicate whether a certificate of conformance is required.

This certificate is a legal document issued by the vendor, which certifies that the material conforms to certain specifications and requirements. This flag is automatically loaded from the Part Master table and can be modified.


Enter, or click to select, the warehouse to which this inventory part goes. This field is hidden if you do not have Costpoint Inventory on your system.

Warehouses are entered in the Warehouses screen in Costpoint Inventory.

Ship Via

This field displays the mode of delivery for the requisitioned item.

Deliver To

Enter the name or location to which the requisitioned item is to be delivered once it is received.

Drop Ship

Select this check box to create requisitions for drop shipment items.

Overshipments Allowed

Use this drop-down box to indicate whether to allow overshipments for this requisitioned item. This required field defaults from the Item table.

Receipt Tolerance

If the Overshipments Allowed field is set to Y (Yes), enter the overship tolerance percentage for this requisition line. Enter 0% if you do not want to restrict the overship amount or quantity.


Enter, or click to select, the user ID of the planner who is responsible for controlling the availability of this item. Set up planners in Costpoint Production Control.


Enter, or click to select, the commodity code for the requisitioned item. A code defaults from the Item table (created in Costpoint Product Definition), but can be modified.

Industry Class

Enter, or click to select, the industry classification code for this requisition line. The value in this column displays as a default from the assigned Item, Misc Type, or Commodity Code. Establish industry classification codes on the Manage Industry Classifications screen in Costpoint Purchasing or Costpoint Product Definition.


Enter, or click to select, the NAICS code for this item or miscellaneous charge on this requisition line. The value in this column defaults from the Item and Misc Type on the requisition line. Establish NAICS codes on the Manage NAICS Codes screen.


Enter the military specification number assigned to the part to be requisitioned. This defaults from the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.


Enter the national stock number assigned to the part being requisitioned. This defaults from the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.


Enter the Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) to associated with this requisition line.

BOM Configuration

Enter, or click to select, the BOM configuration needed to determine requirements for a specific configuration. Enter the BOM configuration IDs on the Manage Configuration Identifiers screen in Costpoint Bills of Material.


Enter, or click to select, an operation code for the requisition line. The Lookup data originates from the Manage Labor Operations screen in Costpoint Routings.

Date Approved

This field displays the requisition's approval date after the requisition has gone through the approval process.

Approval Process

This field displays the approval process.

Order Ref Type

Enter S to record the line costs against the sales order line referenced in the Order Reference column. You can enter the sales order ID in the Order Reference column only when S is in this column. If you enter N (No), the order reference cannot be accessed.

Order Reference

This field displays the order reference.

Order Ref Release

Enter, or click to select, the sales order release number for the value in the Order Reference filed.

Order Ref Line

Enter, or click to select, the sales order line number for the value in the Order Reference filed.

Performance Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the starting period of performance date for this requisition line.

Performance End Date

Enter, or click to select, the ending period of performance date for this requisition line.

Line Rev

This field displays the current revision of this requisition line.

Line Notes

Enter additional information for this requisition line. These notes print on the requisition.

Internal Notes

Enter additional information for this requisition. These notes print on the requisition.

Resource Exists

This check box indicates if there is a resource for the corresponding requisition line. This check box is selected if one or more resources exist in the Resources subtask, otherwise this check box is cleared.

US Citizenship Required

This check box indicates if the resource requires US citizenship.  

ITAR Authorization Required

This check box indicates if the resource associated with the requisition line has to be authorized for ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) restricted items.

Security Clearance System ID

This field displays the security clearance required for the resources associated with the requisition line.

Security Clearance Level

This field displays the level of the security clearance that the resource associated with the requisition line needs to have.  

Issuing Agency

Enter the name of the agency that issued the security clearance.


This check box indicates if the security clearance that the resource associated with the requisition line has to be cleared for Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI).


This check box indicates if the security clearance that the resource associated with the requisition line has to be cleared for Special Access Programs (SAP).




Line SOW

Click this link to open the Line SOW subtask and to add one or more statement of work to the requisition.


Click this link to open the Resources subtask to specify one or more resources associated with this RFQ line.


Click this link to open the Serial/Lot subtask to pre-assign serial numbers and serial number information to the requisition line.  


Click this link to open the Accounts subtask and distribute requisition line charges to single or multiple project/account/organization combinations

Line Charges

Click this link to open the Line Charges subtask and set up additional estimated charges for a line item.

Line Text

Click this link to open the Line Text subtask and set up standard text for a requisition line.

Line Approvals

Click this link to open the Line Approvals subtask and view approval status information for this requisition line. This subtask is available when approvals are issued at the requisition line level (that is, you have selected the Requisition Line option for the approval level in the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen), and the requisition status is not pending.

Currency Line

Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask and view requisition line amounts in both transaction and functional currencies. This subtask is enabled if the transaction and functional currencies are different in the Exchange Rates subtask. This subtask is disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.

Line Documents

Click this link to open the Line Documents subtask and assign documents to the purchase requisition line. These documents are pre-established within Costpoint Product Definition or added by requisition.

Substitute Parts

Click this link to open the Proj Sub Parts subtask and view the substitute parts that are available for substitution.

Link SCI/SAP Security Codes

Click this link to open the Link SCI/SAP Security Codes to specify the security clearance code at the header level.

Delivery Schedule

Click this link to open the Delivery Schedule subtask to display and enter the delivery schedule of multiple requisitions.