Use this screen to establish and maintain control parameters and default information. Set up this screen after initializing Sales Order Entry and before entering sales orders or customers.


SO Numbering Method

Use this group box to assign sales order entry numbers. You can set up the sales order numbering method  to be manual, sequential, or automatic based on the price catalog or project. You can also combine a system-generated numbering scheme with manual numbering that permits order numbers to be assigned out of normal sequence.

Costpoint assigns sales order number after you enter all required information for an order; This updates the Last System SO Number field.

Sales Orders

Use this group box to select the system-defined numbering method to use. You may either select the Overall System check box, or make a selection from the Price Catalog or Project group box.

Overall System

Select this check box to automatically assign the next available sales order number without regard to the price catalog or project specified in the sales order. All sales orders access the same range of numbers, and the last system sales order number increases by one after creating a new sales order. If you select this check box, Costpoint disables the Price Catalog and Project group boxes.

Last System SO Number

Enter the last sales order number issued before creating and processing sales orders. All sales orders access the same range of numbers, and the last system sales order number increases by one after creating a new sales order. To have sales orders print in correct numeric order, you must select a ceiling number of up to 10 digits. For example, if the highest number desired is 9999999999, enter zero as 0000000000. If the highest number desired is SO-9999, and the last sales order number was SO-124, enter SO-0124.

The Last System SO Number field always increases by one from the right, but only if the rightmost character is numeric. For example, SO123 would become SO124; SOABCD9 would become SOABCD0; 9999999999 would become 0000000000; but SO99999999A would not increase by one. You should assign enough numeric characters to the right to ensure that duplicates do not occur.

Costpoint does not allow spaces in the sales order number.

Price Catalog

Select an option to number sales orders according to the price catalog specified in the sales order. You cannot use these options if you select the Overall System check box.


Select this option to require the user to enter the sales order number before saving the order.


Select this option to automatically assign the next available sales order number from the range indicated on the Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screen. You can assign each price catalog a unique range of sales order numbers. You can specify the pricing catalog during sales order entry.


Select an option to number sales orders according to the project specified in the sales order. You cannot use these options if you select the Overall System check box.


Select this option to require the user to enter the sales order number before saving the order.


Select this option to automatically assign the next available sales order number from the range indicated on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults screen. You can assign each pricing project a unique range of sales order numbers. You can specify the pricing project during sales order entry.

Non-Inventory Issues

Use this group box to select how non-inventory issues are numbered.


Select this option to require the user to enter the issue number before saving the non-inventory material issue transaction. Selecting this option disables the Last System Issue Number field.


Select this option to have Costpoint assign the next available number in the defined sequence when a transaction is added on the Manage Sales Order Non-Inventory Issues screen.

Last System Issue Number

This field provides the basis for the non-inventory material issue numbering scheme. If you select System, the last non-inventory material issue number used displays. The last system issue number increases by one after creating a new non inventory issue. You cannot enter spaces are in the issue number.

Invoice/Packing Slip

Packing Slip and Invoice Number Combined

Select this check box to establish a one-to-one relationship between the packing slip number and the invoice number. Each invoice entered in Costpoint, or created by Costpoint, corresponds to one packing slip. Costpoint assigns packing slip numbers during entry of a shipping transaction. These numbers associate with sales order line items that are INV (Inventory) or INT (In Transit) line types. When you select this check box, Cost point disables the Packing Slip group box, as well as the Combine Multiple PS on Invoice check box on the Create Invoices screen.

Packing Slip


Select this option to require the user to enter the packing slip number before saving the shipping transaction. This option is not available if you selected the Combine Multiple PS on Invoice check box on the Create Invoices screen.


Select this option to have Costpoint assign the next available packing slip number on the Manage Shipping Transactions screen.

Last System Packing Slip Number

If you selected the System option, enter the last packing slip number used before creating new packing slips.



Select this option to require the user to enter the invoice number before the invoice can be added on the Manage Invoices screen.


Select this option to have Costpoint assign the next available invoice number.

Last System SO Invoice Number

If you selected the System option, enter the last invoice number issued before generating new invoices. If you select the Combine Multiple PS on Invoice check box on the Create Invoices screen, this field determines the packing slip number/invoice number. No spaces are allowed in the invoice number.

Use Billing Invoice Number

Select this check box to use company-wide billing invoices. This selection is unavailable for manual invoicing.


Use this group box to set up default charges, print options, and approval processes for sales orders.


Revenue Recognition

From the drop-down list, select a revenue recognition method. This selection becomes the default method for new pricing projects and pricing catalogs. Available methods are:

Together, the revenue recognition method and line type on the Manage Sales Orders screen determine the journal entries that are made to the general ledger when the sales order journal is posted.

Invoice Freight Charges

Select this check box to include freight charges that are recorded on the Manage Shipping Transactions screen to the invoice. You can also access this check box on the Shipping tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen. If you select this check box and enter freight charges on the Shipping Information tab of the Enter Shipping Transactions screen, Costpoint creates a miscellaneous invoice line summing the freight charges for all shipments included on that invoice. The Misc Type for that line is FR. The Sales Order Line Charge Type code FR (Freight) must exist on the Manage Line Charge Types screen before you can apply any freight charges to the shipments.

Print Options

Select the appropriate check boxes to select printing defaults for new pricing projects on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults screen, and new pricing catalogs on the Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screen.


Select this check box to print invoices.

Packing Slip

Select this check box to print packing slips.

DD250/WA250 Invoice

Select this check box to print DD250/WA250 invoices.

DD250/WA250 Packing Slip

Select this check box to print DD250/WA250 packing slips.

Allow Invoicing Short on Component SO Lines

Select this check box to allow the generating of invoices against sales order lines when all components are not issued.

Charge Inventory Issues to Clearing Account

Sales order line items can be designated as INV (Inventory) line item types. As inventory items are sold, they are recorded on sales orders, issued from stock, shipped to customers and, eventually, invoiced. When the invoice is posted to the general ledger, the Sales Order Entry posting journal creates an entry to debit accounts receivable (or unbilled A/R) and credit sales. At the same time, the issue transaction generates cost-related data for the item that is posted to the general ledger via the inventory journal. The inventory journal debits the cost of goods sold, and credits the inventory material account for applicable costs.

This check box affects the Post Sales Order Journal and Post Inventory Journal processes. Select this check box to modify the Costpoint-generated journal entry that records the inventory material transaction explained in the preceding paragraph. Thus, the Order Entry journal creates an additional entry with a debit to cost of goods sold and a credit to the clearing account. The standard debit to accounts receivable and credit to sales remain unmodified. The inventory journal posting also changes, with a debit to the clearing account and a credit to the inventory material account.

Post Cost of Sales by Cost Element

Select this check box to allow issuing of sales orders by cost of sales accounts by element. This check box is available only if you have a PC license. In addition, this check box is enabled and available if sales group abbreviation is for sales order.

Sales Order Approval

Use the fields in this group box to select a sales order approval process, or turn off the electronic approval process entirely.

If you use electronic approval, Costpoint assigns a Pending status to a new sales order; Otherwise, if you do not use electronic approval, a new sales order saves with a status of Approved. Only approved sales orders can continue through Costpoint to have material issue transactions, shipping transactions, and invoices applied to them. Sales orders with a status of Pending must proceed through the approval process assigned to the sales order. Define approval processes on the Manage Sales Order Approval Processes screen.

No Approval Process

Select this option to turn off the electronic approval process. Costpoint assigns an Approved status to all sales orders entered. This allows sales orders to be eligible for additional processing.


Select this option to apply one approval process to all new sales orders. The approval process you enter in the Approval Process field becomes the required, non-editable process for all sales orders.


Select this option to assign approval processes to each pricing project and pricing catalog. You assign these approval processes on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults and Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screens. Costpoint uses the process in the Approval Process field for sales orders that are not related to project or catalog pricing. If you select this option, you cannot edit the assigned approval process for new sales orders.


Select this option to manually assign different approval processes to different sales orders. The approval process you enter in the Approval Process field defaults to new sales orders.

Approval Process

Enter, or click to select, an approval process code. Costpoint uses this selection differently depending on the sales order approval option you choose:

If you choose No Approval Process, Costpoint disables this field.

Reapproval Threshold Amt

If you select the Global, Manual, or Proj/Catalog approval method, you can enter a reapproval limit amount. This amount indicates the  minimum by which a sales order can increase before Costpoint forces the order to begin its electronic approval process again. If you select the No Approval Process option, you cannot use this field.

Re-approvals Required for any changes to Approved Sales Orders

Select this check box to require re-approvals if changes are made to approved sales orders.

When the approved sales order is modified and its Submit for Approval check box is selected on the Manage Sales Order Supervisor screen, its status will be set to In-Approval and is routed to the re-approval process.

To see the list of changes that qualifies a re-approval of a sales order, see the FAQs section at the bottom of this page.

When this check box is clear and you add or modify a line or header in an approved sales order, the sales order status remains Approved. An exception would be when the amount changed exceeded the threshold. If the threshold has been exceeded, the sales order status is set to In-Approval and also goes through the re-approval process.

Prorate Recurring

You can use recurring invoice sales orders to invoice customers over a pre-established schedule, such as monthly or quarterly support or maintenance charges. The period of performance for the recurring charges (starting and ending dates) and the bill cycle determine whether invoice charges are prorated.

30 Day Month

Select this option to have recurring invoices prorated using a 30-day month. Costpoint divides the unit price of the recurring line item from the sales order by 30 to determine a daily invoice amount. It then multiplies the calculated daily invoice amount by the number of prorated days in the billing cycle to determine the invoice amount.

For example, you might add hardware maintenance as a recurring line item on a sales order. The maintenance agreement starts from 7/22/08 and ends 12/31/08. The hardware maintenance costs $300 per month. The customer is billed monthly.

The first invoice created by Costpoint is for the monthly billing cycle, 7/01/08 through 7/31/08. Costpoint creates a prorated invoice for the hardware maintenance agreement as follows:

Step 1

$300.00 per month / 30 days = $10.00 per day

Step 2

$10.00 per day * 10 days = $100.00 prorated invoice amount

Costpoint prorates the month of July using the starting date of 7/22 and the ending date of 7/31. The starting date is included as the first date of the prorated cycle.

Actual Day Month

Select this option to prorate recurring invoices using the actual number of days in a month. Costpoint divides the unit price of the recurring line item entered on the sales order by the actual number of days in each month to determine a daily invoice amount. Costpoint then multiplies the daily invoice amount by the number of prorated days in the billing cycle to determine the invoice amount.

Using the previous example:

Step 1

$300.00 per month / 31 days = $ 9.677 per day

Step 2

$9.677 per day * 10 days = $96.77 prorated invoice amount

Costpoint prorates the month of July using the starting date of 7/22 and the ending date of 7/31. The starting date is included as the first date of the prorated cycle.