Use this screen to modify and delete invoices auto-created by Costpoint, and to enter and maintain additional invoices. Selected non-editable information from the Manage Sales Orders, Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues, Manage Sales Order Non-Inventory Issues, and Manage Shipping Transactions screens defaults to the invoice. Post Invoices and amortizations to the general ledger via the Post Sales Order Journal screen. You can no longer modify data on posted invoices.

For sales order (SO) lines with component processing, if a prior invoice exists for an SO line, subsequent new invoices created may or may not include costs from component issues made after the prior invoice. This all depends on whether those costs were already posted using the Post Component COGS Corrections option on the Post Sales Order Journal screen.

For SO lines with component processing—for subsequent invoices created after initial invoicing, issues that were already posted (using Post Component COGS Corrections option) are associated with the invoice number referenced at the time of posting of the issue cost, even though subsequent invoice quantity adjustments are made referencing this new invoice number. Deletion of the new invoice/line reverses the invoiced quantities, but does not affect the posted costs of those issues, which were posted through a different invoice.

Since cost of issues can be posted to the cost of goods sold (COGS) accounts, even after an invoice was already created (when the Allow invoice for partially shipped component lines option is selected), Sales Group Abbrev Clearing Account/Org need not match the CGS Account Org.

You cannot delete an invoice or invoice line if any of the associated issue transactions contain component correction lines that have been posted through Post Invoices or Post Component COGS Corrections.

You can enter and modify invoices for line items with an Open status on approved SOs. You can invoice line items that are invoice-only, recurring, and miscellaneous after the SO is approved. You must issue and ship inventory and in-transit line items before you can enter an invoice, and you must issue drop-shipment line items before they can be invoiced. You can view (but not modify) SO invoices that are posted to the general ledger. You can print invoices any time after entering them.

This screen has eight tabs:



Invoice No

Enter a valid invoice number or leave blank if you use the auto-numbering method. When using auto-numbering, the invoice number is assigned after all required information is entered. Costpoint increments the Last System SO Invoice Number on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen by one.

If you use manual numbering, you must enter an invoice number before you can save the record. Costpoint does not store the last number used. You must use a log to track the invoice numbers.

You can set up numbering method on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen.

Sales Order

Enter, or click to select, a valid SO number.


Click this button to load the SO header details.

Invoice Date

This field displays the system date. you can modify this field as necessary. Auto-created invoices display the invoice date entered during the create invoices process.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency. The transaction currency defaults from the Manage Sales Orders screen. You can use the Exchange Rates subtask to modify the exchange rate for the invoice. You can modify rate groups on this subtask; however, you cannot modify the specified transaction currency. You can also create invoice lines using transaction currencies on this screen. All amounts display in transaction currency.


Click this button to recalculate all amounts on the screen.

Table Window

If you use Multicurrency, some amount field labels contain the "Trans Currency" prefix to indicate the amount in transaction currency. This amount defaults from the SO and cannot be modified for the invoice once the SO has been approved. However, you can modify the exchange rate and rate group for the invoice on the Exchange Rates subtask. Click to add a new line.

Invc Line

This field displays the system identifier of a line on the invoice. It is a sequential number assigned by Costpoint to track the line items of the invoice. Costpoint supports an unlimited number of lines on an invoice.

SO Line

Enter, or click to select, the SO line number against which you are invoicing. Once you enter the SO line, other related information such as existing SO, issue, and shipping information populate the invoice line. Leave this field blank if you are invoicing for miscellaneous items not identified on the SO.


This field displays the contract line item number (CLIN) entered on the Manage Sales Orders screen.


This field displays the item entered on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Item Rev

This field displays the item revision entered on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Item Selling Description

This field displays the description of the item entered on the Manage Sales Orders screen. If you select the Allow Invoice Description Changes check box on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults or Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screens, you can modify the default item description. You can enter up to 60 alphanumeric characters for the description. If you modify the description, it will not update the item description on the Manage Parts, Manage Services, or Manage Goods screens in Product Definition. If you do not enter an item and the Line Type field value is MSC, you can enter a free-form description of what is being ordered.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the item is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the item you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that item:

If you are unauthorized to access parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit SO lines for that restricted part/revision. In addition, you will not be able to view Line Documents, Substitute Parts, and Manufacturer/Vendor part information for those restricted items.

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

Item Type

This field displays the item type entered in the SO. The system-defined types are as follows:

Line Type

This field displays the line type entered on the Manage Sales Orders screen. Costpoint updates this field for miscellaneous invoice lines that are not associated with existing SO lines with the code MSC.

You cannot enter miscellaneous line type items in the Item column. Enter the item ordered and its associated description in the Item Selling Description column. Miscellaneous types generally represent invoice items entered once only, for sales, freight, handling, or expediting charges. This line type functions as does the INO (Invoice Only) line type: there is no interface with material movement and issue transaction is not permitted. The cost of sales journal entry is posted to the general ledger through the Sales Order journal.

Misc Type

This field displays the miscellaneous line type as entered on the SO and can be modified. The type must be established on the Manage Sales Orders screen. This field is used only when you select a MSC (Miscellaneous) line type.

Invoice Quantity

Enter the invoice quantity for line types that are INO (Invoice Only), MSC (Miscellaneous), and REC (Recurring) items. Use the Issue Detail subtask to assign the invoice quantity for line types that require material movement, which are INV (Inventory), INT (In Transit), and DRP (Dropshipment) line items. This field is required for all line types except the MSC (Miscellaneous) type. You cannot invoice an SO line for more than order quantity. Fractional quantities are supported and the maximum quantity is 99,999,999.9999. Negative invoice quantities are allowed.

For SO lines with component issues, partial invoicing is not allowed. The invoiced quantity must equal the order quantity (positive or negative) and the associated issues must support this invoiced quantity. This depends also on the setting of the Allow Invoicing Short on Component SO Lines level option on Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen. If the invoice quantity on the main screen is positive, then the issue details subtask still loads both positive and negative issue rows, and updates invoice quantity (equal to issue quantity) against all the issue rows (positive and negative). Similar logic applies to negative invoice quantity scenarios. The issue detail subtask is non-editable when issues are at the component level.


This field displays the unit of measure entered in the SO.

Issue Components

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether components are issued to the SO line.

Sales Group Abbrev

This field displays the sales group abbreviation entered in the SO line. This is a required field for all SO lines. To modify this field, you must use the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.


This field defaults from the SO line and displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether the item is taxable. To modify this field you must use the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.

Gross Unit Price

This field displays the gross unit price from the SO line. If modifications are required to the gross unit price, you must make them in the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen. You can enter a maximum gross unit price of 99,999,999.9999. Negative unit costs are allowed. If you use Multicurrency, the label of this field contains the prefix "Trans Currency."

Volume Discount

This field displays the volume discount entered on the SO line. The volume discount percentage is applied to the gross unit price of the item. Enter a 5.25% discount as "5.25." The discount percentage is intended as a volume discount, rather than a cash or payment discount. If you do not know the discount percentage, you can leave this field blank. Costpoint derives the value from the Gross Unit Price and Net Unit Price fields. To modify this field, you must use Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.

Net Unit Price

This field displays the net unit price of the item from the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen. This is the price of one unit of the item after any volume discounts have been applied. Costpoint derives the net unit price from the gross unit price and applicable volume discount percentage if they have been entered. To modify this field, you must use Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen. If you use Multicurrency, the label of this field contains the prefix "Trans Currency."

Ext Price Amount

This field displays the extended price amount. Costpoint calculates this value as the product of net unit price and invoice quantity. If you did not enter a quantity, you must enter the extended price amount. If you need to modify this field for items other than REC (Recurring), you must use Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen. If you use Multicurrency, the label of this field contains the prefix "Trans Currency."

Costpoint calculates the extended price amount differently for recurring line items, and you cannot modify the price on this screen or on the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen. For example, a SO line item is entered for a service agreement, hardware maintenance. You enter the line item as a REC (Recurring) line type. The maintenance agreement is effective for the period 7/22/02 through 12/31/02 and the price is $1,000 per month. The customer is billed monthly and the actual day prorate method is used.

The following shows the calculation of extended price amount:

Actual Day Prorate Method uses the actual number of days in a month, and the 30-Day Prorate Method uses 30 for each month. Using our example, the prorated invoice amount is calculated as follows:

Prorated Invoice Amount = ($1,000.00 per month / 31 days) * 10 days = $322.58

Costpoint prorated the month of July using the starting date of 7/22 and the ending date of 7/31. The starting date is included as the first date of the prorated cycle, which results in 10 days.

Using the example above to calculate the Extended Price Amount results in the following:

Extended Price Amount = (1 * $1,000.00 * 5) + (322.58) = $5,322.58

Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sales tax/value added tax (VAT) amount calculated by Costpoint when the Taxable column is set to Y (Yes). Costpoint calculates this value as the extended price amount multiplied by sales tax/VAT Rate. If you use Multicurrency, the label of this field contains the prefix "Trans Currency."

Sales Tax/VAT Code

This field displays the default sales tax/VAT code from SO line. All taxable line items require a  sales tax code. To modify this field, you must use the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.

Sales Tax/VAT Rate

This field displays the sales tax/VAT rate associated with the selected sales tax code.

Line Charge Amount

The cumulative price of the line charges entered on the Line Charges subtask displays here and can be modified only on that subtask. If you use Multicurrency, the label of this field contains the prefix "Trans Currency."

Line Charge Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the cumulative sales tax/VAT amount for the line charges entered on the Line Charges subtask. To modify this field, you must use the Line Charges subtask. If you use Multicurrency, the label of this field contains the prefix "Trans Currency."

Unit Cost Amount

For SO items that do not require material issue transactions, but do require only an invoice (line types INO (Invoice Only), MSC (Miscellaneous), and REC (recurring)), the unit cost is determined during the invoice generation process and when invoices are added manually. For these items, Costpoint checks the Sales Order Cost Types table to determine the user-defined costing sequence. If an item uses a sequence number of zero, Costpoint ignores the cost type. If the cost is not zero, it defaults into this field. If a cost type does produce a unit cost equal to zero, Cost point uses the cost type with the next available sequence number. Costpoint multiplies the unit cost by the SO invoice quantity to determine an extended cost amount. You can modify the calculated unit cost in the Invoice Supervisor Screen.

For line items that require material issue transactions (INV (Inventory), INT (In Transit), and DRP (Dropshipment) items), the unit cost is determined when the issue is recorded. This field displays the average unit cost for the issues linked to this invoice line. The Issue Detail subtask displays the individual costs assigned to the issue transactions.

Ext Cost Amount

This field displays the extended cost amount. Costpoint calculates this value as the product of unit cost amount and invoice quantity.

Total Line Amount

This field displays the sum of Ext Price Amount, Line Charge Amount, Sales Tax/VAT Amount, and Line Charge Sales Tax/VAT Amount fields. If you use Multicurrency, the label of this field contains the prefix "Trans Currency."

Recalculate Sales Tax

Select this check box to calculate the Sales Tax/VAT Amount when changes are saved.

Billing Cycle

Enter, or click to select, a valid cycle for the line item. For auto-created invoices, the billing cycle displays as entered during the creation process. You can modify this as necessary. This field displays only for REC (Recurring) SO line types.

Starting Date

For auto-created invoices, the starting date displays as entered during the creation process. You can modify this as necessary. This field displays only for REC (Recurring) SO line types.

Ending Date

For auto-created invoices, the ending date displays as entered during the creation process. You can modify this asas necessary. This field displays only for REC (Recurring) SO line types.

Amortization Schedule Code

If the SO uses the deferred revenue recognition method, this field displays the amortization schedule code assigned to the SO line. You must populate the Amortization Schedule subtask if an amortization schedule code exists and the invoice is open (that is, not posted). If the SO does not use the deferred revenue recognition method, you cannot use this field and Amortization Schedule subtask. Establish amortization codes on the Manage Deferred Revenue Amortization Schedules screen.

SO Line Notes

This field displays notes that were entered for the SO line. You can modify this description and add up to 254 characters of free-form text if the invoice has not yet been posted.

Components Ready for Invoicing

This field displays whether or not components have been fully issued to the SO line. If components have been fully issued, the field is set to Y (Yes) to indicate that the line can be invoiced.

For drop-shipment component issues, if the absolute value of the sum of issued quantities (not yet invoiced, for all components) is greater than or equal to the component line order quantity, the SO line is ready for invoicing. For inventory and in-transit components, this is determined upon shipping.

If this field is set to Y, the Allow Invoicing Short on Component SO Lines check box on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen is selected, and the SO line type is INO (Invoice Only), the invoice quantity for the issued SO line may not be the same as the order/issued/shipped quantities on the component line due to the fact that all components may not yet have been issued, but Costpoint indicates that the issue line has been invoiced.

Ship Advice Code

Enter, or click to select, one of the following shipping advice codes for iRAPT reporting. The system-defined options are:

Shipment Freight Charge

This field displays the




Header Standard Text

Click this link to open the Header Standard Text subtask.

Exchange Rate

Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask.

SO Header Docs

Click this link to open the SO Header Documents subtask.


Click this link to open the Totals subtask.


Click this link to open the Accounts subtask.

Issue Detail

Click this link to open the Issue Detail subtask.

Line Charges

Click this link to open the Line Charges subtask.

Line Standard Text

Click this link to open the Line Standard Text subtask.

Currency Line Information

Click this link to open the Currency Line Information subtask. This button is disabled if the transaction and functional currencies are the same.

Customs Info

Click this link to open the Customs Info subtask.

Amortization Schedule

Click this link to open the Amortization Schedule subtask. This button is enabled if the SO's revenue recognition method is deferred revenue, and an amortization schedule code exists for the SO invoice line.

Line Documents

Click this link to open the Line Documents subtask.