Use this tab to enter additional information about the sales order invoice before including it in an Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer (iRAPT) file. After the iRAPT file is created, this tab also displays the iRAPT file location.

Invoice Type

Select the type of iRAPT document to create for this sales order invoice:

Shipment Number

Enter the shipment number for this sales order invoice. This defaults from the Shipment No field in the Shipping Information tab of the enter Manage Shipping Transactions screen.

Final Invoice

Select this check box if this is the final invoice for the sales order.

Final Shipment

Select this check box if this is the final shipment for the sales order.


Use this group box to indicate whether this invoice is for supplies or services. The default is Supplies. You cannot combine services and supplies on a iRAPT invoice.


Select this option if this invoice is for supplies.


Select this option if this invoice is for services.

Mark For Delivery Comments

Enter mark for delivery comments.

Mark For Delivery Secondary Comments

Enter mark for delivery secondary comments.

Attachment File

Use this group box to attach a file for this invoice. After a you select a file, the file name displays in the unlabeled field next to the file Browse and Open buttons.

iRAPT Information

This group box displays information about the iRAPT file for this sales order invoice.

Included in iRAPT File

After you run the Create iRAPT Files process to include this sales order invoice in a iRAPT file, Costpoint selects this check box and displays a file name and location in the iRAPT Information group box. If this invoice is not included in a iRAPT file, Costpoint does not select this check box.

If you modify this check box manually, Costpoint displays a warning.

If Included in iRAPT File is checked, this invoice will be excluded from the create iRAPT file process. If Included in iRAPT File is unchecked, the iRAPT file information will be cleared and this invoice will again be eligible for inclusion in the create iRAPT file process.

File Name

This field displays the name of the iRAPT File.

Alternate File Location

This displays the location of the iRAPT File.