Use this screen to generate invoices for all or a range of catalogs, customers, issues, packing slips, projects, or sales orders. Costpoint prints an invoice report at the end of the generation process. Use the Manage Invoices screen to immediately modify and print the invoices that are created on this screen, or to create new invoices.

You can create invoices for one or all line types, including recurring lines, and by sales order and shipping transaction, where applicable.

For SO lines with component processing, if a prior invoice exists for a SO line, subsequent new invoices created may or may not include costs from component issues made after the prior invoice, depending on whether those costs were already posted via Post Component COGS Corrections option on the Post Sales Order Journal screen.

For SO lines with component processing, for subsequent invoices created after initial invoicing, issues that were already posted using the Post Component COGS Corrections option are associated with the invoice number referenced at the time of posting of the issue cost, even though subsequent invoice quantity adjustments are made referencing this new invoice number. Deletion of the new invoice/line reverses the invoiced quantities, but does not affect the posted costs of such issues posted through a different invoice.

Since cost of issues can be posted to the COGS accounts, even after an invoice was already created (when the Allow invoice for partially shipped component lines option is checked), the sales group abbreviation's clearing account/organization does not necessarily have to match the COGS account/organization.

When creating invoices, this application checks the owning organization setting on the Manage Sales Group Abbreviations screen for all project postings.

For Accounts Receivable and Liquidation accounts, Costpoint uses the organization that is saved in the SO Invoice Header in the invoice.

You can generate invoices only for approved sales orders. You can create invoices on orders with invoice-only line types, miscellaneous line types, and recurring line types as soon as they have an approved status. You must ship orders with inventory line types and in-transit line types before creating invoices. You cannot create invoices for shipment transactions with a Ship Status of Pending or Hold Shipment on the Manage Shipping Transactions screen. You must issue to sales orders with drop-shipment line types before creating invoices.



Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options are also included in the saved parameter ID if there are any. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made in the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made in the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display in the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

From the unlabeled upper left drop-down list, select a category by which to select sales orders to create invoices. Valid options are:


From the drop-down list, select the range option for generating invoices based on your choice from the category drop-down list. The following options are available:


Enter, or click to select, a value for the beginning of the range.


Enter, or click to select, a value for the end of the range.

Dropshipment Issue Date

Use the fields in this group box to select issue dates for drop-shipments.

You can only use these fields if you select the Dropshipment - Issues check box in the Select SO Line Types group box.


From the drop-down list, select a range option for the drop-shipment issue dates. Valid options are:


Enter, click to select, a beginning date for the range.


Enter, click to select, an end date for the range.

Inventory/In-Transit Shipment Date

Use the fields in this group box to select shipment dates for INV (Inventory) and INT (In Transit) shipments.

You can only use these fields if you select the Inventory/In-Transit - Packing Slip check box in the Select SO Line Types group box.


From the drop-down list, select a range option for INV (Inventory) and INT (In Transit) shipment dates. Valid options are:


Enter, click  to select, a beginning date for the range.


Enter, click  to select, an end date for the range.

Recurring - Billing Period Date

Use the fields in this group box to select billing period for REC (Recurring) line items types.

You can only use these fields if you select the Recurring check box in the Select SO Line Types group box.


This field displays the range option for the billing period for REC (Recurring) line item types. This field displays All as the default value. If you select the Recurring check box in the Select SO Line Types group box, this field displays Range.


Enter, click  to select, a starting date for the time period in which the recurring line item is to be invoiced. Costpoint uses the date, entered in MM/DD/YYYY format, with the ending date and billing cycle to calculate the invoice amount. The starting date is the first day of the prorated cycle.

For example, if you enter a recurring line item on a sales order with a starting date of 7/22/2008 and an ending date of 12/31/2008, these dates on the sales order constitute the billing period for the item. Invoices are sent to the customer at designated intervals throughout the billing period. When you use this screen to create invoices for a recurring billing period of 7/01/2008 through 07/31/2008, the first invoice amount is prorated for a period of 10 days. If you perform the invoice creation process monthly, the remaining invoices are for either 30 or 31 days, based on the prorate recurring method chosen on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen.


Enter, click  to select, an ending date for the time period in which the recurring line item is to be invoiced. Costpoint uses the date, entered in MM/DD/YYYY format, with the starting date and billing cycle to calculate the invoice amount. The ending date is stored in the Last Invoice Date field on the Recurring Line Information subtask of the Manage Sales Orders screen. Costpoint checks the last invoice date to determine whether the date falls between the selected starting date and ending date entered on this screen. If an item's last invoice date does not fall within the date range specified here, Costpoint does not create an invoice.

Load Start Invoice ID

Click this button to load the starting invoice ID.

Select SO Line Types

Select any combination of sales order line types to include in invoice creation. You must select at least one type. Costpoint combines eligible sales order lines on one invoice when applicable.

Invoice Only

Select this check box to include INO (Invoice Only) line item types in the invoice creation process. Sales orders with INO line items must have an Approved status on the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen. Each line must have an Open status on the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen.


Select this check box to include REC (Recurring) line item types in the invoice creation process. Sales orders with REC line items must have an Approved status on the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen. Each line item must have an Open status displayed on the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen. If you select this check box, you must also enter recurring information.

Dropshipment - Issues

Select this check box to include DRP (Dropshipment) line item types in the invoice creation process. DRP line items are ineligible for invoice creation until you have recorded an issue transaction.

Miscellaneous Line Types

Select this check box to include MSC (Miscellaneous) line item types in the invoice creation process. Sales orders with MSC line items must have an Approved status on the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen. Each line item must have an Open status displayed on the Manage Sales Orders screen. If you are invoicing freight for a shipping transaction and you select the Invoice Freight Charges check box on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen, a miscellaneous invoice line displays, summing the freight charges for all shipments included on that invoice.

Inventory/In-Transit - Packing Slip

Select this check box to include INV (Inventory) and INT (In Transit) line item types in the invoice creation process. INV and INT line items must be issued and shipped before you can create invoices.

Recurring - Billing Cycle

Enter, or click to select, the applicable billing cycle code. The system uses the code along with the starting and ending dates to calculate the invoice amount. You can set up billing cycles on the Controls menu in Billing. You can define billing cycles within a number of months or fractional months.

Combine Dropshipment Issues on Invoice

Select this check box to combine multiple-issue transactions for drop-shipment lines on one invoice for a given sales order. Clear this check box to create a separate invoice for each issue transaction related to the drop-shipment sales order lines. You can only use this check box when you select the Dropshipment - Issues check box in the Select SO Line Types group box.

Combine Multiple Packing Slips on Invoice

Select this check box to combine multiple shipments, or packing slips, on one invoice for a given sales order in the invoice creation process. Clear this check box to create one invoice for each of the shipments related to the sales order. You cannot use this check box If you select the Packing Slip and Invoice Number Combined check box on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen.

If you enter freight charges on a shipping transaction and select the Invoice Freight Charges check box for the sales order (on the Shipping tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen), Costpoint creates a MSC (Miscellaneous) invoice line (with the type FR) for the amount of the freight charge. If you select the Combine Multiple PS on Invoice check box, Costpoint calculates the sum of separate freight charges for all shipments and includes the amount to that invoice. The sales order line charge type code FR (Freight) must exist on the Manage Line Charge Types screen before you can apply any freight charges to the shipments. The report that prints for the invoice creation process has a line for each invoice, displaying the total freight charge for that invoice.

iRAPT files require exactly one shipment per invoice. Do not select this check box if you create iRAPT files.


Use this group box to specify invoice values and the invoice period. If you create a new invoice for a sales order line with a Revenue Recognition code of Deferred Revenue, and the SO line has an amortization code associated with it, Costpoint creates an amortization schedule for that invoice line based on the code. A valid fiscal year, period, and subperiod are required to create the required amortization schedule. The first period sequence of the cycle, and the associated amortization rate, apply to the fiscal year/period of the invoice. Subsequent period sequences and amortization rates apply to subsequent fiscal years/periods.

Starting Invoice No

Enter a starting invoice number for the creation process. Costpoint provides a default starting invoice number from the Last System SO Invoice Number field on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen if you selected the System option in the Invoice group box on that screen. You can modify the default number. You cannot use spaces in the starting invoice number.

If you select the Packing Slip and Invoice Number Combined check box on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen, the packing slip number and the invoice number are the same.

Invoice Date

Enter, or click   to select, the date to assign to the invoices. The system date defaults. Costpoint uses the invoice date, along with the sales order customer's terms, to determine the appropriate due date for the invoices.


Select this check box to indicate that the invoice is on hold and therefore ineligible for sales order journal posting.


Select this check box to mark DD250 invoices as estimated. This selects the Estimated check box on the Manage Invoices screen for all invoices. When DD250 invoices are printed, E appears in box 6 (Invoice No./Date) of the DD250 form.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year. The fiscal year that corresponds to the invoice date defaults.


Enter, or click to select, select the period. The period that corresponds to the invoice date defaults.


Enter, or click to select, select the subperiod. The subperiod that corresponds to the invoice date defaults.