View Details of a Failed Process

Use this procedure to view details about a failed process.

To view details about a failed process:

  1. Navigate to Administration » Process Server » Process Queue Manager.

  2. On the Process Queue Manager form, use the Queue field to select the type of process queue you want to find.

  3. Use the options in Current Processes to Include and History Processes to Include to filter the Queue Processes grid.

  4. Select the process and click Detail.

  5. In the Process Queue Details dialog box:

If you have a process that is not running as planned, confirm that the Disable Process Server option in the EPM Security Weblink is not selected. This option disables the process server which allows you to submit jobs to the process queue and then schedule them for processing. By default, it is not selected.

What do you want to do?

View the status of a process

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