Archived Reports Tab

Use this tab to view, preview, print, and download archived reports or distribute them via email.

Use the Archive Report Output (Hours) field on the Archive Report dialog box to set the number of hours you want PM Compass to keep the archive report. The Delete Expired Archive Reports scheduled process runs nightly and deletes any old archive reports. For more information about this process, see Default Processes in the System Queue.

Report Archives Grid

Use the Report Archives grid to view the name of the archived report, the date the report was archived, the number of pages in the report and also the date and time that the archived report will be removed from the system.

Grid Toolbar



Report Archives

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form with the grid’s contents displayed.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to display the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.


Click to retrieve and display the current list of archived reports.


Click to delete the selected report. Click Yes when asked to confirm the deletion. If you do not have the correct access rights to delete the report, a warning displays.

Grid Columns

Field Name


Report Name

Use this column to view the names of the archived reports.

Created Date

Use this column to view the date and time that the report was archived.

Expiration Date

Use this column to view the date and time that the archived report will be removed from the system.

The expiration date and time is based on the number of hours specified when the report was archived.


Use this column to view the number of pages in the archived report.

What do you want to do?

Troubleshoot SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Reports

Run a report

Print a report

Schedule a report

Download a report

Email a report

Create a report archive

Save and share reports

View location

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