General Tab of the Projects Form

The General tab of the Projects form contains a collection of basic information about a selected project. It allows you to view, enter, or update project information, such as project description and dates.


All tabs of the Projects Form View share the same toolbar.


This field displays the name of the selected project. It only becomes enabled when you click New. You can enter up to 22 alphanumeric and special characters.

PM Compass saves this value in the same table where Cobra saves its corresponding value. Any project that you add in PM Compass is considered a "PM Compass-only" project. In this case, the project does not display in Cobra, and the Project field becomes non-editable after the record is saved.

Master Project

Select this check box if this project is a master project. This enables the Subproject tab. This option is only enabled when you create a new project.


This field is optional. Enter a description for the project using up to 100 alphanumeric characters. PM compass saves the value of this field in the same table where Cobra saves it corresponding value. It is non-editable for Cobra and PM Compass projects, but it is editable for projects that are not initially set up in Cobra.

Project Dates

Status Date

This field displays the project status date which usually refers to the period ending date that you set for reporting time, progress, or cost of the project. The status date is read only and updated in Cobra by advancing the Calendar.

This date defines when progress is due, and what is considered valid data.  For example, you cannot enter actual dates that are beyond the current status date

Baseline Start

This field displays the baseline start date. It is non-editable for Cobra projects that are visible in PM Compass. For projects established in PM Compass, this field is editable and has a calendar date selector.

Baseline Finish

This field displays the baseline finish date, which usually defines the date that the last task in the project is expected to be completed. It is non-editable for Cobra projects that are visible in PM Compass. For projects established in PM Compass, this field is editable and has a calendar date selector.

Forecast Finish

This field displays the forecast finish date, which you usually use for reporting purposes. It is non-editable for Cobra projects that are visible in PM Compass. For projects established in PM Compass, this field is editable and has a calendar date selector.

Contract Definitization

This field displays the date when the contract was definitized. When you are working with a project set up in the database, PM Compass uses the value saved in the same field in Cobra. It is non-editable for Cobra projects that are visible in PM Compass. For projects established in PM Compass, this field is editable and has a calendar date selector.

Planned Completion

This field displays the planned completion date for the project. When you are working with a project set up in the database, PM Compass uses the value saved in the Planned Completion field in Cobra. It is non-editable for Cobra projects that are visible in PM Compass. For projects established in PM Compass, this field is editable and has a calendar date selector.

Over Target Baseline

This field displays the Over Target Baseline date. When you are working with a project set up in the database, PM Compass uses the value saved in the Over Target Baseline field in Cobra. It is non-editable for Cobra projects visible in PM Compass. For and projects established in PM Compass, this field is editable with a calendar date selector.

Location of Elements of Cost

Many of the reports and the Cost Details grid allow you to select information to be displayed at the level of Element of Cost, typically Labor, Material, and Other Direct Costs. Cobra allows this information to be stored at either a level of resource file or in a code on the resource file.


Select this option if the Element of Cost (EOC) is stored at a level of the resource file. When you select this option, the Level field and its drop-down list become enabled, requiring you to identify the level where the EOC is stored, for example, Level 2.

You can enter or select a numeric number from 1 to 20. This option is selected and the corresponding value is 2 when you create or make the project visible.


Select this option if the EOC is stored in a code on the resource codes. When you select this option, the Code field and its drop-down list become enabled, requiring you to identify the code where the EOC is stored. If there are no defined codes on the Code Fields tab of the Cobra Resource File Information in Cobra, an error message displays.

EVMS Acceptance

Select this option to indicate that the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) has been accepted for use on a project. This option is read-only for projects that are visible in Cobra and PM Compass, and enabled for projects established in PM Compass.

Acceptance Date

This field and its corresponding drop-down list only become enabled when you select the EVMS Acceptance option. The value for this field comes from the table where Cobra saves its corresponding value. This field is non-editable for projects that are visible in Cobra and PM Compass, and editable for projects established in PM Compass.

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