Work Authorization Overview

Use the work authorization process to gain approval for the expenditure of effort and budget for the associated control account. Work authorization confirms the control account budget and scope of work required to meet the projects objectives and goals.  

At a minimum, the following information must be provided to authorize work:

Work authorization is controlled by workflow steps, which means that certain approvals are required prior to authorizing work for a CAM.

Work authorization is also referred to as the Work Authorization Document or WAD that contains the control accounts authorized to have work accomplished against them. The WA/WAD is the official authorization for the CAM to commence work against those control accounts that are specified.

Work Authorization is controlled by workflow. This means that certain approvals are needed prior to authorizing work for a CAM. Electronic approval signatures, as well as the CAM’s acceptance signature, must be placed on the WA/WAD. After all required signatures are in place on the WA, the CAM is formally (officially) authorized to start work. Typically, after a WA/WAD has all signature approvals, the charge numbers (control account, account numbers) are opened to allow labor (or non labor) to be charged to the work detailed in the WA.

PM Compass provides a default Work Authorization type called Initial Work Authorization to assist you with this process. You can make modifications by adding custom and/or source fields, changing the settings in Workflow Type Configuration, or by using the Form Designer.

For information on reports related to work authorization, see Work Authorization Report.

Create Work Authorization's Automatically using Scheduled Alerts

Work authorizations are a great example of a workflow that can be created automatically. Using a scheduled alert, you can automatically create WA's for all control accounts that start within the next x number of days (the default scheduled alert is set to 60 days). The automatic generation creates a separate Work Authorization (and populates the contents) for all control accounts that satisfy this criteria. Each Work Authorization then starts the workflow steps to send alerts. Alternatively, you can set the final step action in a workflow (for example, a Budget Change Request) to automatically create the Work Authorization. See Create a Scheduled Work Authorization Alert for detailed steps.

Work Authorizations and the Budget Change Request

Your Initial Work Authorization is authorized when your Budget Change Request (BCR) is approved. If you then auto-create Initial Work Authorizations, you have to get a full set of approval signatures again. Instead, you should complete the steps in the following order

In order for this to work correctly, you should complete the steps in the following order:

  1. Auto-Create the Initial Work Authorization for all Control Accounts.

  2. Create a Budget Change Request and get it approved.

  3. After the BCR is approved, run the Work Authorization report.

The following rules must be observed:

Grid Columns and Toolbars

All workflow categories in PM Compass share common List View grid columns and common toolbars.

There are two toolbars:

Terms Relating to Work Authorization

Before you begin...

Provide access so the correct users can view or create workflows

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Workflow steps

Workflow security

What do you want to do?

Understand the Work Authorization workflow steps

Create a scheduled Work Authorization alert

Run a Work Authorization report

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