Links Tab of Initial Work Authorization

Use this tab to view, enter, or modify a list of hyperlinks to documents, folders, Web pages, and others associated with the Work Authorization. Typical links include shortcuts to documents stored in SharePoint or another document management system, shortcuts to documents stored on a shared server drive, SharePoint project sites, or other company project web sites. For more information, see Initial Work Authorization.

This tab is related to the Link Center form. All links that are associated with the selected Work Authorization in Link Center also display on this tab and vice versa.

You can use the FileExtensions.xml file to prevent users from uploading certain file types (for example, .bat, .ps1, .dll). For more information, see Denylist Folder.

Links Grid

Grid Toolbar




Click the drop-down arrow to display the following options: 

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form with the grid’s contents displayed.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to display the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.


Click this button to create a document link. Click this button to display the New Link dialog box.


Click this button to associate the selected Work Authorization with a link. Clicking this button displays the Link Search dialog box, which allows you to search for and select the link. You can make more than on selection on the dialog box.

A link associated with the Work Authorization is also associated with the control account, activity, and project to which the Work Authorization belongs after saving the link. This rule applies only if the Work Authorization has a project, activity, or control account field.


Click this button to remove the association of the link with the Work Authorization. Deleting a link’s association removes that particular association only.

Grid Columns

Field Name



This column displays the name of the link associated with the Work Authorization.


This column displays the complete path of the link.


This fields displays the description for the link.

What do you want to do?

Associate a ink with a project

Associate a link with a workflow

Associate a link with an activity

Associate a link with a control account

Add a SharePoint link

Add a server link to the Links tab

Remove an association of a link and an area

Copy a SharePoint link to the Links tab

View location

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