Progress Tab of Initial Work Authorization

Use this tab to quickly identify who has approved an Initial Work Authorization, view the history, and view all the current and past workflow assignments.


Click the History button to display the Workflow History dialog box and view the History grid.

Approvals Grid

Use this grid to view the responsibility of the approver, the approver’s first and last names and the date when the Initial Work Authorization or step was approved.

Grid Toolbar




Click the drop-down arrow to display the following options: 

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form with the grid’s contents displayed.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to display the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.

Grid Columns

Field Name



Use this grid to view the label of the user field used for the workflow step. Examples of the labels are Control Account Manager, Project Controls Analyst, and Project Manager.


Use this grid to view the name of the approver using:  

First Name <space> Last Name


Use this grid to view the date that the approver who approved the Initial Work Authorization.

Assignments Grid

Use this grid to view the existing assignments. You can use this grid to view who is holding up the workflow. The grid will remain empty until the Initial Work Authorization has been saved and the workflow steps have been started, then a row for each assignment on the step is shown.

Grid Toolbar




Click the drop-down arrow to display the following options: 

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form with the grid’s contents displayed.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to display the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.

Hide Past Assignments

Click this button to display past assignments.

If current and past assignments are shown, the option is labeled Hide Past Assignments.

Show Past Assignments

Click this button to display past assignments.

If only the current assignments are shown, the option is labeled Show Past Assignments.

Grid Columns

Field Name



Use this column to view the step number assigned to the assignment.


Use this column to view the value assigned in the Description field for the step in the Workflow Steps grid.

Action Required

Use this column to view the required action for the step (for example, Approve, Submit, and so on). This is blank if the action has been completed, or if the Initial Work Authorization is suspended or closed.


Use this column to view the label of the user field used for the workflow step. Examples are Control Account Manager, Project Controls Analyst, and Project Manager.

If the Initial Work Authorization was assigned manually or is the Created by user, this field is blank.


Use this column to view the person’s name on the assignment.


Use this column to view a check box that is marked if the name shown on the row is a delegate for an original assignee. Do not mark this check box if the person is both an original assignee on the step and another assignee’s delegate.

Due Date

Use this column to view the due date for the assignment.

Step Start Date

Use this column to view the date the step started. This is typically when notifications are sent to the user so they know there is an action they need to perform.

Action Taken Date

Use this column to view the date the user took action on the step that changed the step state.

Action Taken

Use this column to view the action taken that changed the step state.


Use this column to view the comment supplied for an assignment. Click the hyperlink to display the text viewer dialog box.

View location

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