New Link Dialog Box

Use the New Link dialog box to create a new document link on a form and associate the link with that area.

For more information, see Link Center Overview.

The forms that can display this dialog box include Project, Cost Analysis, Schedule Analysis, and Workflow. Alternatively, you can create the new document link on the Link Center form.


Enter the name of the link. By default, this field is blank.


Enter the complete path of the link. It accepts a path that uses any of the following conventions:

Alternatively, you can click the ellipsis (...) button to open the standard Open dialog box, allowing you to select a file. Selecting the file displays the complete path and file name in this field. The full path and file name then becomes a link, which, when click, displays the selected file. Moreover, you can change the path and file name to a standard text by clicking the empty portion of the field or clicking . By default, this field is blank.


Enter a description for the link. By default, this field is blank.

Clicking Save changes the name of the form from <New Link> or a current name to the value that you enter in the Name field.

The fields on this dialog box are similar to the fields of the General tab of the Link Center form.

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