Configure Links Dialog Box

Use the Configure Links dialog box to display links to HTTP, FTP, File, Mail, and Newsgroup sites on your dashpart.

Saved Records Grid

Grid Toolbar



Saved Records

Select one of the following options from this drop-down list:

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to open the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.


Click this button to add a row to the grid. Use the row to add a new link.


Click this button to delete the selected row from the grid. You can delete only one row at a time.

Clear All

Click this button to delete all entries from the grid.

Grid Columns

Field Name


Link Type

Use this column to specify the type of link that you want to display on the dashpart. You can select one of the following options:

  • HTTP

  • FTP

  • Mail

  • Newsgroups

  • File

URL Caption

Use this column to specify the label for the link that you want to appear on the dashpart.


Use this column to specify the URL for the link.

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