Dashpart Title Bar

Each dashpart heading contains menu options that let you modify the selected dashpart.

For more information, see Dashpart Overview and Dashboard Overview.

Dashpart Title Bar Option


Dashpart Name Drop-Down

Click on the arrow next to the dashpart name to display a drop-down menu. The available options in the menu vary depending on the dashpart selected.

The menu includes the following options:

  • Configure — Use this option to display the Dashpart Configuration dialog box to modify dashpart properties.

  • Hide Dashpart — Use this option to hide the selected dashpart.

  • Hide All Others — Use this option to hide all dashparts except for the selected dashpart.

  • Delete Dashpart — Use this option to delete the selected dashpart.

  • Set Color — Use this option to set the border and title bar color for the selected dashpart.

The Hide Dashpart and Hide All Others options do not delete the dashpart. They are still available in the Hidden Dashparts dialog box.

See Display Hidden Dashparts on Your Dashboard for information on how to unhide a dashpart.

Collapse/Expand Button

Click the Collapse/Expand button to collapse and expand a dashpart. When collapsed, only the dashpart heading will appear on your dashboard.


Click this icon to refresh the data. Data is also refreshed any time you access the Dashboard.

Maximize and Restore Dashpart

Click the maximize icon to expand a dashpart to completely fill the dashboard window. All other dashparts will be hidden.

When the dashpart is maximized, the expand and collapse (up and down) arrows are disabled and you cannot drag and drop or resize dashparts.

Click the restore icon  to restore the dashpart to its original size.


Click this button to remove the dashpart from the dashboard. This option does not delete the dashpart. It is still available in the Hidden Dashparts dialog box.

See Display Hidden Dashparts on Your Dashboard for information on how to unhide a dashpart that was removed from the dashboard.

What do you want to do?

Learn about the Dashboard toolbar

Add dashparts

Configure access control to dashparts

Configure dashparts

Hide dashparts

Hide all other dashparts

Display hidden dashparts on your dashboard

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