Global Searches in Dashboards and Dashparts

Use PM Compass's Global Search to filter by project and/or control account in any of the following dashpart types:

The Global Search feature is a quick way to override the dashpart configuration for the dashpart types above. For example, if your Scheduled Analysis dashpart is configured to display information about Project A, selecting Project B using the Global Search function enables the dashpart to display information about Project B instead of Project A.  

You can configure dashparts individually for selected projects and control account criteria if you do not want to use the Global Search feature.

Any selection that you make in the Project field does not limit the control accounts available for selection in the Control Account field and vice versa. When you perform a global search, PM Compass reconciles the available selections from both search fields and displays only those that match the search criteria.

For more information, see Search Overview and Dashboard Overview.

Saved Global Searches

You can save your search either as a global or personal search using the Organize Options dialog box. This enables you to apply the search criteria to other dashboards that you own or have access to.

When you perform a global search on a dashboard, other users who have access to the dashboard cannot use the same global search unless it is saved in the Global Searches folder on the Organize Options dialog box. If a search is saved in this folder, other users who have access to the dashboard can use the same search on that dashboard.

PM Compass filters save global searches so that users can only view project or control account information that they have access to.

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