Workflow Category Form

Use the Workflow Category form to set up and edit the category list table.

Workflow Category Grid

Grid Toolbar



Workflow Category

Use this button to print the grid contents or export them to MS Excel.


Use this button to insert a row on the grid when you want to create a new category.

Move Up

Use this button to move a category up a row on the grid.

Move Down

Use this button to move a category down a row on the grid.


Use this button to delete a category from the grid.

Grid Columns

Field Name



This column displays descriptive information about the category. The default system category descriptions are:


This column serves as a unique identifier for a category. The default system category codes are:

  • CR

  • VAR

  • RSK

  • TD

  • PR

  • WA

Default Prefix

The entry in this column is the default value in the Prefix field in the Workflow Type Configuration form after Workflow Category is selected. The default system category prefixes are:

  • CHG (for Change Management)

  • VAR (for Explain Variance)

  • RSK (for Risk)

  • TD (for To-do)

  • PG (for Progress)

  • WA (for Work Authorization)


Use this column to specify whether you can create new workflow types in this category in Workflow Type Configuration.

What do you want to do?

Set up the workflow category list table

View location

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