Contractual Nonconformity Overview

A Corrective Action Request (CAR) is issued when a contractor’s systems or processes do not adhere to one (or more) of the 32 guidelines discussed in the standard for Earned Value Management Systems. For example, a CAR will be issued if one of the monthly reports, such as IPMR CPR Format 1 through 5 or the IMS, did not meet the requirements or if there were inconsistencies between reports.

PM Compass provides a repository for the CAR using a customizable form that identifies which guidelines have not been met as well as providing a method for tracking the actions to correct the nonconformity.

The level of the corrective action request depends on the severity of the nonconformity and the level of supplier management visibility required to adequately address corrective actions.

For information on reports related to corrective action requests and actions on CAR, see Workflow Reports Overview.

Important: Level II and higher CARs must cite the following minimum requirements for a supplier’s response:

For more information, see Severity Levels.

With Contractual Nonconformity, you can perform the following tasks:

Contractual Nonconformity includes the following workflow types:

Using these two workflow types, you can clearly identify and track the corrective actions needed to address the contractual nonconformity.

Required Tasks

The following tasks are required to accomplish the Corrective Action Request Process:

  1. Understand the details of the contractual nonconformity with your customer.

  2. Create the Corrective Action Request (CAR).

  3. Create the Actions on the CAR child workflows to track the specific tasks mentioned in the CAR and start their workflow steps.

  4. Confirm that all documented corrective actions described in the CAR have associated Actions on CAR workflows.

  5. Start the workflow steps on the CAR.

  6. Get the approval of the CAR workflow.

  7. When the customer confirms conformity, the contract rep enters the customer's approval in the CAR form and approves the workflow which closes it and completes the process. The name of the contract rep is listed on the General tab of the Corrective Action Request form.

Grid Columns and Toolbars

All workflow categories in PM Compass share common List View grid columns and common toolbars.

There are two toolbars:

Form Tabs

The Actions on CAR form includes the following tabs:

Form Tabs

The Corrective Action Request form includes the following tabs:

Use the Tabs on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration to determine the labels for tabs and to add or remove tabs for each workflow type.

What do you want to do?

Create an Actions on CAR workflow

Assign an Actions on CAR workflow

Start a workflow step to submit an Actions on CAR workflow

Create a Corrective Action Request

Assign a Corrective Action Request

Start a workflow step to submit a Corrective Action Request

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