Actions on CAR Form

Use an Actions on CAR workflow to fully document the actions required to resolve nonconformities and to allow responsibility for carrying out those actions to be assigned to the appropriate user or group. The Actions on CAR also supports tracking progress on the action and provides reminders where appropriate.

After documenting the Corrective Action Request, you need to create Action on CAR child workflows for the specific actions required to correct the nonconformities identified in the Process Area Tab of the Corrective Action Request Form. At anytime, you can check the status of the Actions on CAR by clicking the child tab of the CAR form and view the child workflows.

The Contract Representative/PM/PCA then assigns the Actions on CAR to one or more people. This child workflow, when completed, will have workflow steps that route it to the assigned approvers.

You can add a child workflow to a CAR as long as the workflow status is not yet completed. There is also no restriction on completing the child workflows prior to closing the CAR itself.

Form Toolbar

All workflow categories in PM Compass share a common form toolbar.

Form Tabs

The Actions on CAR form includes the following tabs:

Use the Tabs on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration to determine the labels for tabs and to add or remove tabs for each workflow type.

What do you want to do?

Run an Action on CAR report

Create an Actions on CAR workflow

Assign an Actions on CAR workflow

Start a workflow step and submit an Actions on CAR workflow

Delete an Actions on CAR workflow

Customize the form using Form Designer

View location

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