Risk Overview

Most project management systems have a method to document potential risks for a project. PM Compass also allows you to do this. These risks display in multiple management reports so that all team members can focus on reducing the likelihood of the risk event.

You can use Risk to perform the following:

Risk management is critical to the success of any project. If, during the planning stage of the project management process, you do not implement a risk management plan, the project will likely fail.

A risk register identifies, assesses, and manages risks down to the acceptable levels.  The common elements of a risk register are the following:

You can also add other columns, such as the quantitative value, if appropriate.

By default, PM Compass includes two Risk types to facilitate a basic risk register:

Mitigation Steps

Mitigation steps are actions that are also Risk child workflows. Use these to assign someone to perform a task to mitigate the risk. They are different from the standard action items because they are connected to the Risk. See the Mitigation Steps Overview for more information.

You cannot access mitigation steps from the Navigation menu. To display both the project risk and mitigation steps in the List View, you must click Workflows » Risk on the Navigation menu.

You can view the mitigation steps on the Child Workflows tab by clicking Workflows » Risk » Project Risk.

User-Defined Fields

The default Project Risk uses custom fields. The default Mitigation Step uses source fields. You can define and modify these fields and the list of values using User-Defined Data. After you have set them up in User-Defined Data, you must select them for the Project Risk or Mitigation Step type in Workflow Type Configuration.

See User-Defined Data for more information on custom and source fields.

Grid Columns and Toolbars

All workflow categories in PM Compass share common List View grid columns and common toolbars.

There are two toolbars:

What do you want to do?

Create a Project Risk

Modify the Risk type

Add a mitigation step

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