Action Item Overview

Use an Action item to tell someone they have been assigned something to do.

You can use the Action form to do the following:

The default workflow steps include a number of actions, including the following:

These notifications usually include both an email and a dashboard alert. To add more content to the notifications, access the Workflow Steps tab of Workflow Type Configuration and click the email hyperlink in the Step Action grid.

Assign an Action

As the originator, manually enter the assignee on the Action form.  When you click Start workflow, the workflow notifies the assignee via an email and a dashboard alert that an action has been assigned to them. The assignee clicks the Complete menu option when they have completed the task.

Receive an Action

If you are incorrectly assigned an action, you can reject it by clicking the Reject menu option to send the originator a rejection notification.

If you suspend an action, PM Compass prompts you for a comment and creates a history record. The Resume button is enabled, and the action remains in this state until you click Resume. The workflow then continues.

PM Compass closes an action after you cancel the workflow.

If an action has multiple assignees, PM Compass closes it after one of the assignees closes it.

You can use the Security Administrator to identify the user’s login ID with the first name, last name, email address, and manager for notifications.

Examples of Action Types

The following are examples of action types:

Grid Columns and Toolbars

All workflow categories in PM Compass share common List View grid columns and common toolbars.

There are two toolbars:

What do you want to do?

Assign an Action

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